In the wise words of Queen Bey, “If you like it then you should have put a ring on it!” But you are not Beyoncé, so you cannot go around singing that to your partner but you can look out for signs of whether or not you are ready for that rock to rest on your finger.

When you log on to Facebook nowadays, it seems that almost everybody you know is getting engaged, getting married, or having babies. And you start to wonder if you are ready for that kind of commitment? If you are, how do you know and what are the signs that say, “Okay, I’m ready!” Here are some of the signs that say you’re definitely ready to be engaged:
1) You Got Life Down!
You’re confident, you have a steady job/career, social life and a circle of family and friends that fulfills your world. This means you are comfortable with the life you have built and ready to share it with your partner. This also means that you don’t look at marriage to be a quick fix for something that’s void in your life.
2) Boring Is Exciting
Marriage is like a long-a** date, so to even be engaged, you should be at a stage where enjoying each other’s company is truly a real pleasure. Doesn’t matter if you’re clipping toenails together or going on vacation, the time spent together is time well spent.
3) You Bring Out The Best In One Another
It may sound cheesy, but it’s true. If you are going to get married and spend the rest of your life with this one person, then they should bring out the best in you. Like teaching you to be a kinder person or someone that is more patient and understanding.

4) Fight Fairly
When two people spend a lot of time together, like every single day, there are bound to be disagreements and conflicts. But when you fight fairly and respectfully, then you know you have a lasting relationship and one that is headed in the direction towards happily ever after.
5) Sharing The Same Values
This is also very, very important. Sharing similar goals like wanting to have kids, buying a house and settling down somewhere are just some of the examples. The relationship can only benefit from the both of you heading in the same direction and working towards similar goals. Once the big stuff has been tackled, things like, who’s-going-to-do-the-laundry will be a walk in the park.
6) You’re Ready To Burn The Past
Part of why relationships don’t work is usually because people tend to bring the past into the present. Getting engaged and being married means you are exclusive to one person for the rest of both your lives. Don’t bring the past into your current relationship and burn that little black book.

7) You’re not afraid
What we mean is that, you’re an open book. There are no subjects that’s off-limits with your partner, and you are totally comfortable with crying just because it’s been a day without being judged. You can worry about things and completely let your guard down, and not feel vulnerable by doing so.
8) You Compromise
Being ready doesn’t only mean accepting the person for all their glory and flaws, but you have to be able to accept all that about yourself. You have to be okay with the fact that sometimes, you may not get your way. Relationships are all about give and take, and catering to someone besides yourself. This of course doesn’t mean you should be a doormat either.
9) It’s All About Long-Term
Everything that the pair of you does, is for the future. From joint savings account, to purchasing a king-sized bed, these are signs that you are both in it for the long run and want to build a future together.