We all have that one friend that can’t seem to shake off the douchebag and you want to knock some sense into them because they can’t seem to pick up on the signs that perhaps it’s time to let go. When somebody fuels so much toxic in your life, you should make it a point to get rid of them as soon as you can because as cliche as it sounds, there are plenty of fish in the sea.
If you’re dating someone and feels as though things aren’t quite right but can’t really tell if it’s time to let go, then here are some signs you might want to pay close attention to:

He strings you along – You want to eventually get married and have kids in the future. He’s made it clear that he doesn’t but still strings you along for the ride. Cut the chord and get rid of this dude. Just because he doesn’t want to build a future with kids doesn’t mean you have to make that sacrifice too.
He is selfish – You want to see him but he is not free. He only wants to speak to you when it’s convenient for him. He tells you to leave him alone when he pleases. Yeah, he is douchebag and a selfish one at that. This is a major sign you should get out of there quick!

He can’t accept your past – Do you have a past? We all do, so don’t beat yourself up over it. We’ve all been there and done that. What matters is who we are at the present day and what we’re working towards in life. If he continues to blame and punish you for your past then kick him out of your life. A good man that loves you will accept your past instead of bringing it up over and over again. He would also appreciate who you are today rather than making you feel bad for what has happened in yesteryear. Seriously, tell him to get over it before you get over him.

He thinks the ball is in his court – Does he act like your love for one another is not equal? Does he think that he has the upper hand in the relationship you two are in? If he does, show him otherwise. Never let a man think that he is in control of your emotions because you will regret it if you do. It’s never up to him. It’s up to the both of you.
He treats you with disrespect – All couples argue, that’s totally normal and it’s even healthy to do so once in a while. While it’s okay to have a few differences, what isn’t okay is to call each other names. Just because he is angry doesn’t make it okay for him to call you a b****h or a (this is the worst) c**t. Someone who speaks to you this way has very little or no respect for you at all. You shouldn’t subject yourself to be spoken to in that manner by your partner or anyone for that matter.