When was the last time you felt the need for sex? The majority of us experience sex desire as an up-and-down roller coaster journey. While sex may be rewarding, many people find it difficult to experience frequent intimacy. One of the biggest obstacles to establishing intimacy is couples’ declining sex drive. One who needs it feels abandoned and rejected, while the other tends to feel troubled and guilty about their lack of sexual energy, creating a situation where neither party wins.

But what’s the cause? Sexual desire is nothing less than a litmus test of a relationship’s health. Also, there is a variety of factors that could become possible barriers to your sexual enjoyment, ranging from medical issues to everyday situations. Whatever the reasons may be, we’ve listed 8 sex drive killers that you need to kick out to have a flourishing sex life.
Messy Room

Physical intimacy can be disturbed by a messy bedroom. It won’t take long for you to lose interest in intimacy if you see the laundry pile in the corner, or the area on the dressing table that you neglected to dust. A bedroom ought to be cosy, tidy, and clean. Your sex drive might be killed by anything that prevents you from feeling joyful and comfortable in the bedroom. Try using scented candles to set a better mood or a diffuser to keep your space smelling good.
Joint Pain

I know we’re all aging, but complaining about joint pains in your early 20s is just out of the question. In fact, any disease that results in persistent, chronic pain might impair sexual desire. I mean, there are other options; it’s not entirely your fault if you get sick or are ill. When the pain is less intense, you can concentrate on having sex and plan your painkiller use for an hour or two before having sex. Before sexual activity, take a warm shower to ease joint soreness. Timing is also crucial. Rheumatoid arthritis inflammation worsens in the morning, but osteoarthritis pain is typically worst at night.
Too Much Alcohol

Take it from personal experience, getting extremely drunk is never gonna help you with sex. Excessive drinking is known to have an impact on sexual performance. You might not be aware, though, that one of the reason for this is that alcohol reduces skin sensitivity, which is a crucial component of sexual desire. Contrary to popular belief, alcohol actually lessens both the intensity of orgasm and the pleasure experienced during sexual activity in both men and women. A little bit can help people unwind and appreciate intimacy and caressing, but too much dulls all types of sensations.
Poor Oral Hygiene

Bad breath may not be the only thing stealing your moment. You might not believe that there is much of a connection between your oral health and your sexual life. However, maintaining healthy gums and teeth could benefit your sex life. And it’s obvious that you won’t kiss your partner if you taste blood or see “something” stuck to their teeth. This is a pretty straightforward sex drive killer. Right before you jump to sex, most couples share kisses. So, when your oral health is not up to par, you’re just landing yourself in a gross situation. And not just for sex – be sure to keep your mouth clean at all times. Invest in quality toothbrushes and mouthwash. Just give your mouth a quick check before getting on with your hot date.
Little/Too Much Sleep

Lack of sleep is nothing new these days. With the amount of energy we use up during the day, it’s only right to feel tired and stressed by the end of it. And we don’t blame you. But this doesn’t mean you can’t make a change. Getting less amount of rest than you actually require will definitely impact your sex life. Right when your partner gets ready for a sexy night, you’re snoring your lungs out and this it a totes sex drive killer. If you’re somewhat in this situation, try to alter your sleeping time. Go to bed early or take a quick nap in between breaks.

If there’s such a thing as too little sleep, then there’s also too much sleep. It makes sense that your sexual plumbing is severely damaged if you rely on Saturday and Sunday mornings to make up for all the sleep you lost during the busy weekdays. Your normal cycle is interrupted by the irregular sleep schedule, which leaves you feeling drained, sluggish, cranky, and not in the mood for sex. Even if you go to bed late on the weekends, try to keep your usual sleep schedule by rising at the same time. A couple of afternoon naps might be sufficient.

Are you on birth control or prescription medication? Find out if “loss of libido” is a frequent side effect by starting to read labels. Unfortunately, many drugs used to treat sadness and anxiety, as well as blood pressure medications and hormonal birth control, destroy libido urges. Rearranging things so they better support your sex life will be made possible by reviewing your medications with your doctor. You can plan your sex time to occur when you are not taking medication if quitting your medication is not an option.
Relationship Ruckus

When brought up in bed, unresolved arguments and emotional anguish between the partners can definitely suppress one’s sexual desire. Couples’ attraction levels can be decreased by unfavorable emotions brought on by issues as simple as improper hygiene or as complex as infidelity. Furthermore, you cannot feel sexually inclined toward someone you are not attracted to. Hence, if there’s any miscommunication or issues that’re left hanging, sort it out before you get to bed. If there are doubts or anything that you like or dislike in your relationship, always feel free to discuss with your partner. This will improve your relationship overall and spice up your sex life too.

It’s usually a good idea to keep the sex hot, but keeping it genuine is more crucial. You gain a lot of expectations from watching porn and rom-coms, which distort your perception of what sex will be like. It doesn’t follow that your partner would find a particular sexual or seduction technique satisfactory or desirable just because you saw it done in a movie. So quit betting on porn and concentrate on the real thing. In truth, simple intimate acts like kissing and cuddling can change a lot and put someone in the mood for fun. Life doesn’t always have to be on the spicy side.
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