If you’re anything like me, then there’s a lot of things that can turn you on. A lot of completely random things! But, at the same time, I find myself getting turned off by a lot of other things as well. Like, it’s funny how something so random and unnoticeable can turn me off. And then, it got me thinking. What do women say that can turn men off?
So, momma did a little research, and has gathered a few things that women tend to say a lot, that are actually turn offs for testicle owners! Who knew?! Women generally talk a lot, and in the midst of a conversation, there may be phrases we say that can cause a man to cringe and lose interest in us!
So, if you ladies are here for the tea, Imma spill it all for you! Here are some phrases that can make your man run for the hills – and never return!
1. My Widdle Boy

Now, I can’t speak for all men, but there are men who HATE it when we do this. We may say this as a way of pampering our men or praising them, but in actuality, they really don’t like it as much as we do! Sure, some girls do get turned on when a man says “good girl” or, “that’s it, girl”. Somehow, that’s not the case for a man, especially if he is a dominant and strict man.
Anything that makes you look and feel like his mum, in a bad way, can be a major turn-off! So, stop babying your man like this, ladies! You’re only turning his d*ck off!
2. Hey, Dude

Of course, this doesn’t apply to every man in the room. If he IS your guy friend, then walking up to him with a “Hey, man!” is fine. BUT, if he clearly is someone special to you, or you guys have a lil sumthin-sumthin going on, then phrases like “Hey, man” – OR – “What’s up, dude” can seriously put him off.
I know most girls don’t do this, but there are some who still use phrases like these when talking to their love interest. So, let’s not do that anymore, kay gurrrl?
3. Daddy

Again, this is not referring to everyone. But, some guys just don’t like to be called “daddy”. This is based solely on preference. Sexually, being called “daddy” can be a turn on for some dominant men who clearly have a different taste when it comes to their sexual escapades.
But, generally speaking, most men are not exactly stoked when called “daddy”. So, girls, I know your hormones are all over the place, but let’s stop with the daddies, shall we?
4. I Don’t Know

Honey, pretending to not know something is not only straight up stupid, it’s also a massive turn off for men. There are girls who like to pretend to not know a certain something, just so they can catch the attention of men. If you think you’re playing a smart game, gurrrl, think twice, cause men love smart and intelligent women who know their way around life.
And, being around girls who play “dumb”, can be a serious turn off.
5. I Just Want To Be A Housewife

GURRRL, I KNOW! Like, that’s every woman’s dream life. But, some men are not for it. Most men, especially men who are of a higher-class, will totes get turned off if this is the answer you give them when they ask you about your future goals. Men prefer women who have a bigger goal and purpose in life. Believe it or not, men may find women more attractive when they realise you have a burning passion for something – other than sex, of course.
I mean, I guess if you are trying to run from a bad date or escape a man you don’t seem to like, then try saying this phrase. Bish, he’ll run for the hills!
6. I Never Apologize
Listen bish, you ain’t right all the time. Saying this one phrase can really put a man off. Having a big ego and not realizing or even taking responsibility for your mistakes area traits that men HATE in women.
So, if you make a mistake, apologize first. In fact, women who know how to take responsibility for their action can also be a major turn on for men. Be, think and behave like a woman, not like a girl!
7. I Thought You Were Paying

Unless you get a sugar daddy, a man you casually go out with is not obliged to pay for your every meal, ladies. Even if you guys are on a serious date, straight up assuming that your man HAS to pay for the date is just a plain turn off.
Being a little more compassionate and selfless is much more attractive than a lady who expects her male partner to just swipe his card on everything she touches. The phrase “Oh, I thought you were paying”, is cringy and totes a mood spoiler for a man.
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