The vagina is one complicated organ right there. Even we girls can’t wrap our heads around it sometimes!

Research has recently shown that when it comes to stimulating her little lady down there, the numbers don’t lie: 30 to 50 percent of women say they cannot reach an orgasm through intercourse alone. And there are “8000 nerve endings on the visible nub of the clitoris to navigate (twice as many as the penis).” Yes, that’s right boys, it’s not that simple. Now, now, don’t get demotivated, we’re here to help. With these simple steps, here are all the tips, tricks and techniques you need to know to wow your woman tonight!
1. Don’t Rush It

We think nowadays people assume oral sex is a form of foreplay but really it isn’t. It’s a pretty detailed journey. Ian Kerner, Ph.D., a sexuality counsellor and author of She Comes First explains, “It should be considered core-play.” Supposedly, 43 percent of women climax through penetration alone. So, what you guys should do is put those mouth muscles to work! That’s right, go right in there and show her that you enjoy it! Oh and teasing always does the trick. “Plant ideas into her head as to what you’d love to do to her,” says Yvonne Fulbright, Ph.D., a sexologist and author of The Best Oral Sex Ever—His Guide to Going Down. Another tip while you’re down there, Fulbright suggests “making noises, which will indicate to her that you’re into it,” putting any libido-lowering insecurities she may have to rest.
2. Be Flexible

“No two people are alike in what turns them on, so you need to be adaptive in your techniques, positions, etc.,” says Fulbright. If your ex loved oral, it doesn’t mean your current girlfriend will too. Feedback is good, so keep an open mind. After all, the satisfaction you’ll get just by seeing her ‘happy’ is priceless. Molly Adler, a sexuality educator at suggests, “Watch her please herself, you will learn how she likes to be stimulated and get a great show. Get to know her body by paying attention to what she likes. And if she doesn’t know what she loves yet, figure it out together.” When you are more aware of your partner’s body the overall experience will be more than just an orgasm, it’ll be an unforgettable journey for both of you.
3. Start Slow and End It With A Bang!

Before you guys get all worried when reading the headline, don’t worry, no one will be harmed in the process. The most important tip I can give you as a woman is, start it off with arousing your lady. It’s that sudden chill that a woman gets when you run your fingers up and down her body, and as the woman gets more excited the sensation varies. “In general, you should start off light and delicate. Very rhythmic,” explains Kerner. “Throughout the process, you should apply more pressure and more stimulation. What might have been uncomfortable at the beginning might be comfortable for her at the end.” Oral sex can also be described as a day at the gym. Now, you don’t just rush and start carrying weights etc. you would normally warm up by stretching, right? That’s what you should do with your girl, warm up her entire vulva first before focusing in on the clitoris. “Once she’s warmed up, bring her G-spot [which is basically the first inch to two inches of the vagina] to life while massaging her clitoris with the tip of your tongue,” suggests Fullbright. Here’s a great tip — rubbing her mons pubis gives her clitoris a breather.
4. Use Your Fingers as Extra Instruments

As you all should know by now, the G-Spot is one tough spot to reach just by using your tongue. The best instrument you can use for a full-blown orgasm is your fingers! Yes, as you lick her clitoris with your tongue, gently insert your fingers into the vaginal canal. “Curve your fingers upward while maintaining direct clitoral stimulation, either with your tongue or a vibrator. Then move your fingers gently in and out of her vaginal canal while pressing firmly upward,” suggests Adler.
Do let us know whether our tips helped!