When Cracked writer Alli Reed created the “worst fake dating profile in history”, she was shocked to discover that she received more than 150 messages in just 24 hours.
Here’s why Reed did it:
I got the feeling that a lot of men on that site would message literally any woman who had a profile, but the optimist in me wanted to believe that there was a limit.
Maybe there was a woman so awful, so toxic, so irredeemably unlikeable that no one would message her, or if they did, at least they would realize they never, ever wanted to meet her.
So I made the OkCupid profile of the Worst Woman on Earth, hoping to prove that there exists an online dating profile so loathsome that no man would message it.
‘AaronCarterFan’ describes herself as a “goddess”, uses the word “YOLO”, and gets her parents to pay her bills by simply telling them she’s in law school. In her free time, she likes knocking cups off the hands of the homeless, throwing drinks in people’s faces, and misusing Marilyn Monroe’s “If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best” quote. She’s also not very good at spelling.
Introducing, the worst woman in the world, OKCupid user ‘AaronCarterFan’:

Unfortunately, Reed’s experiment didn’t go as planned. Although she received up to 150 messages within 24 hours, a majority of the messages that ‘AaronCarterFan’ received were just limited to men who used false sincerity to hide their real intentions – to see her naked or to initiate something sexual.
“Maybe none of them read her profile, or maybe they thought that she was fun-crazy instead of actually-ruin-your-life crazy,” said Reed. That’s when the author decided to make ‘AaronCarterFan’ come across as the worst woman ever that “even the kinds of dudes who comment on YouPorn videos would respond to her”.

Sadly, that experiment also failed. Reed made ‘AaronCarterFan’ as freaky as possible, and borderline creepy. Here’s one instance that particularly made us laugh until our bellies hurt, and then gasp in shock that males would still want to ‘hit that’.

Reed even decided to dial-up the level of crazy for ‘AaronCarterFan’ just to repel some men away. You’d think that it really would work … and then you see this atrocity and feel like there’s no hope left for mankind.

Are you an OKCupid user? Ever encountered messages like these before? Share your OKCupid message fails with us!