Is sex just as important as trust and communication? Men and women have different ideas about sex. Men are said to be more physical, and seem to have more primitive urges when it comes to sex. Most women, on the other hand, tend to approach the topic delicately to understand their emotions relating to the act itself. But no matter what men and women feel about sex, a complete relationship generally relies on finding someone whom we find attractive, have good chemistry with and sexually compatible.
Marie, 32, has been married for 3 years and believes that sex helps a couple take time out of the pressures of life. “I try to be proactive in initiating sex with my husband because it gives that great level of closeness. Having that intimate moment together is like a daily form of R&R that lets us set our differences aside and embrace the fact that we’re stronger together”.
Marie explains that talking about sex openly with your partner can keep things in the bedroom alive. “Communication is the answer to a happy sex life, so even if you’re not interested, it’s best to tell your partner that you’re not in the mood. Talk about what would make you feel more excited about doing it instead of showing feelings of resentment”.
Bubbly singleton Jamie, 26, feels that sex isn’t the secret ingredient to fulfilling relationship. “Sex is not just the only important issue in a relationship. Chemistry is what counts and I feel there’s always a way to work around sex, even if it’s not good. You can’t fight chemistry”.
A common stereotype about men is that sex is on their minds most of the time. But when he asked 23-year-old Ben what he felt, he completely surprised us.
“Maybe it’s just me, but I think men are slowly beginning to think different about sex. I personally don’t care for sex at all. I find that there are more intimate ways to enjoy the company of a person, and that doesn’t include getting naked. On the other hand, I will not deny that sex is good for a couple, either.”
Believe it or not, sex stands around relatively high on the scale of importance, and it may actually be the leading source of frustration in your relationship. As Marie points out, an unfulfilled sex life can be leave a negative dent in your relationship.
Chrissy, 28, has been with her boyfriend for 2 year and stresses that sex shouldn’t always have to be a physical act. “A couple or any individual shouldn’t feel that sex is the only answer to intimacy and physical comfort. I think holding hands, caressing, or touching can be viewed as part of a rich sex life. Everyone should dial back down the concept of wild sex contributing to a fulfilling love life”.
What do you think about sex being an importance aspect in a happy relationship? Share your thoughts with us in our comment section below.