If you haven’t already caught up with the newest and hottest show right now, then it’s time. Suits is coming back to TVs near you for season 2! This Emmy-nominated British TV show is based on lawyers in New York City that really just have it going and follows the legendary Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht) and his brilliant, but not-technically-legal associate Mike Ross (Patrick J Adams). Despite his lack of bonafide credentials, Mike’s photographic memory and encyclopedic legal knowledge make him an invaluable asset to Harvey.
So what is there to expect in this Season 2? Well, the dynamic duo, Harvey and Mike have managed to guard this secret thus far, but as the first season came to a close, Mike’s future hangs in the balance when his ex-best friend sets out to expose him to the firm’s top suit, Jessica Pearson (Gina Torres). When Jessica needs Harvey’s help to face a new and dangerous enemy on the corporate battlefield, can Harvey turn her weakness to his advantage?
So, just to refresh your memory and get you back on the ‘Suits’ game – let’s take a recap at all the men on the show… and pick on their
The Men of ‘Suits’:

1. Harvey Specter
Played by Gabriel Match, Harvey Specter is your typical confident lawyer who knows how to work his charm. You could definitely say that he’s the player in the entire show. He knows the women he wants, and he knows how to get them. He plays his charm not only in the bars, but in the court room too.

2. Mike Ross
Played by Patrick J. Adams, Michael “Mike” Ross is a lawyer who never attended law school but has the knowledge thanks to his eidetic memory. In the show, he impresses Harvey Specter with his drive to become a good lawyer and is hired. You could definately say that Mike Ross is the ‘nice guy’ as he has a more sympathetic approach to clients the go through. He’s not as playful or as vain as Harvey Specter either.
3. Louis Litt
Played by Rick Hoffman, Louis Litt is considered to be the ‘try hard’ out of all the guys on the show. He is originally a junior partner who oversees the first year associate attorneys and is Harvey’s rival and fellow Harvard alum. But in between the seasons, someone comes into place and promotes Louis to senior partner in the season two episode “Asterisk”. Hand in hand with competition with Harvey Specter, Louis is always trying to be on top of everything, whether it means being sneaky or not. He is the type of guy who’ll suck up to Jessica, the big boss of the company just to try to get what he wants. But despite he’s sneaky ways, he’s the funny guy out of all of them.
Watch Suits Season 2 on the 7th of January, Every Monday from 8pm only on DIVA Universal (Astro Channel 702).