To be loved is what we all desire in this world. By our family, friends, and especially our significant other. But did you know that too much love can be toxic for a relationship? I know what you’re probably thinking now: “Oh, so now too much love is problematic?”. Hate to break it to you, but it most definitely is.

The term is called love bombing and it essentially means to shower someone with endless attention and affection in an attempt to manipulate them. It could, to an extent, be a form of abuse as well. It’s kind of terrifying when you think about it, because it’s not as blatant as physical, mental or emotional abuse. Instead, the abuser would put up a façade and use love bombing to grab a hold of you and manipulate you into being with them and dependent on them.
Scary, right?

It’s really hard to determine whether you’re being love bombed or not, because great demonstrations of love from your partner could be genuine. But just in case, here are some warning signs you should look out for.
“I Love You” So Soon
If you’ve been in a relationship for only a few weeks and they’ve already uttered their “I Love You” to you – run and don’t you dare walk. Your partner barely knows you enough to declare those words, and it would make the message entirely meaningless if said willy-nilly. It’s a manipulative tactic used, by narcissists and abusers, to blindside you completely in hopes that they could successfully condition you into staying with them.
Constant Check Up
Yeah, it’s nice to be checked up on if you’re not feeling well or just want someone to pay some attention to you by texting or calling. But, it becomes really creepy when they constantly check up on you on your social media accounts to know your whereabouts and what you are doing (Joe Goldberg alert). Every relationship should have boundaries and space, and if your own partner is not letting you have that – might be your time to leave.
Spoiled Rotten
Your love language is being showered with gifts? Awesome! But, excessive amounts of gifts (expensive ones at that) in a short period of time? Big yikes! That’s the ultimate manipulative tactic to use to reinforce the transactional relationship. Abusers give you gifts, which in turn means you are supposed to be appreciative of them and stick by them because of it.
Sudden Declarations
“You are my soulmate” and “We’re meant for each other” are cute and all, but when they are announced out of nowhere and super fast, it’s a little too much. Watch out for these words when you’ve just gotten into the relationship, because it’s a literal sign that they want to start conditioning you into being with them.
Always Around You Like A Hawk
A love bomber will engulf you with all their “love” by asking for your time and attention constantly. It would be to the point that if you wished to spend time with your family or friends, they would become angry and guilt-trip you into cancelling your plans.
Too much love can be suffocating, as we all need space. Relationship shouldn’t be so constricting, and if your partner fails to give you the boundaries that you need, then is being in that relationship even worth it?
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