1. Make a Lasting Impression
A solid handshake, a smile and a modest introduction is all you need to make a great impression. The first impression is the first leap into your career, and sometimes, even a handshake can determine how far you can go in your career.
2. Remember Your Colleagues Names
It’s okay if you’re bad with names, but always do your very best to remember your colleague’s names. Remembering their name gives them the idea that they’ve made an impression on you, which is also what both parties could hope for.
3. Manage Your Colleagues
This is not a job requirement. It’s just a simple case of human studies. You’ll find a few ‘funny’ characters in the workplace, and it’s important for you to learn how to be on the neutral side. This isn’t meant to be demeaning, but in your mind, categorize your colleagues in different groups so that you’ll know how to tackle their personalities. Doing this will help you be a better leader as you’ll learn how to work with your colleagues, and not let them work you.
4. Do Not Gossip
Even if it means knowing whose done dirty deeds in the office, refrain from asking anyone about it. Even if you happen to be stuck in between a conversation about someone, just ignore it. Unless if it’s about someone who can potentially sabotage your career in the workplace, use it as motivation to work even harder.
5. Get to Know Your Colleagues
Apart from getting to know them by name, their position and where they live, getting to know your colleagues personally can help create a special knit in the workplace. Most of the time, you can spark conversation through the content of your colleagues’ desks. If you find pictures of them with someone else, do ask them about it. Or ask them about their family and where they’ve traveled. Make more of an effort!
6. Leave Out Embarrassing Stories
Although past stories about your childhood can easily lighten the mood with laughter, remember there will be colleagues who will try to get every bit of detail out of you just so they can use it against you. Focus on your strengths and your abilities when you introduce yourself. You don’t want to lose it all just by saying the wrong thing.
7. Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself
It takes a long time to fit-in, especially in the workplace. A lot of people have their own agendas and let’s face it – it’s a competitive jungle. But when you try too hard, it can occasionally make the situation a little awkward. And if you’re not used to socializing, just take your time and start off with the person sitting next to you. Or get someone to introduce you to everyone in the workplace.