Have you ever met a couple that’s been together for, like, ever and they still seem to have that passion and connection that they did when they first met? Have you wondered how two people can stay that way without growing apart as time goes by? When you finally meet the “right person”, you would want that relationship to last for as long as it can if not forever. So, what are some of the things that can help your love flourish and last? Here are a few traits you might want to practice
Don’t try to change one another – That’s the problem with a lot of people. After some time of being in a relationship, they try to change their partner into what they would like them to be instead of appreciating them for who they are. Think of it this way, you wouldn’t have fallen for your partner if they weren’t exactly who they are today. It’s the reason you fell in love with them in the first place so focus on that instead of trying to change them!

Trust each other – Even if you have been hurt in the past, you really need to learn to trust your partner. You can’t punish them for someone else’s mistake. It’s a brand new relationship and it’s definitely different from the last, so to make sure this one goes into forever, you’ve got to trust him.
Talk things through – Communication is key. From things like sexual preferences to financial issues, you should be more than comfortable to talk it out with them. Express your feelings to him and listen when he reciprocates.

Compromise – No relationship can work without a little bit or a lot of compromise from both ends. You may have some things in common but chances are there might be things you enjoy doing that he doesn’t and vice versa. But if he likes doing a certain thing and wants to do it with you, then you should probably make the effort to do so. That gesture will take your relationship very far.
Don’t berate one another – In public or in the privacy of your own home, always be nice to each other. Even when you are arguing and feel like the only solution is to (hypothetically) strangle the other person. Never show contempt and always remind yourselves to respect one another. Again, communicate and do it well!