Do you feel frustrated that even after working out regularly and maintaining a healthy diet, you still can’t seem to shed that stubborn weight? See, part of losing weight is a healthy balance between working out and eating right. Truth be told, it’s a little hard to juggle both. But if you’re not losing weight after all the workouts and clean eating, here are some reasons as to why:
You’re forgetting about lifting weights
Cardio is really good for you but if you’re only doing that then it’s a mistake made on your part already. You should pair your cardio session with some weight lifting. This doesn’t only help you burn the fat away but also build some lean muscles, leaving you to look toned.
You’re not watching your portion
You can’t just eat right when you’re trying to lose weight. You have also got to consider the portion of the food you’re eating. Try your best to stick to all natural and whole foods. Keep your carbohydrates for the really rigorous exercising days. Stay away from starchy foods on your light cardio days.
You’re stressed out
Believe it or not, stress can play a major role in weight loss. Keep your mental and physical health in check by trying to keep yourself stress-free.
You forget to recover
Believe it or not, recovery time is more important than the workout itself, so do yourself a favour and give yourself some time to let your muscles heal after an exercise regime where you really feel the burn. Listen to your body and let it recover by doing light workouts after going hard at the gym the day before.
You’re eating too much
Maybe your portions are small but you’re eating too frequently. If you’re hungry during the day, try healthy snacking instead. Keeping a few of those snack bars (healthy ones!) might come in handy when you’re feeling a little peckish. When you do eat a full meal, take your time and eat your food slowly instead of scoffing it down.