More than 65% of the human body is made up of water, so you can imagine how important water is to us and to life in general. A lot of us think that being thirsty has nothing to do with dehydrating but by the time you’re feeling that thirst, your body is already asking to be re-hydrated.
There are some serious benefits to downing that H2O and if you don’t do it enough, you really should. Here’s why:
You poop better
I don’t know if you are aware of this but if you consume less water than your body needs, you’re more than likely to be constipated. So, to ease your bowl movements, drink more water.
Headaches be gone
Headaches can a lot of times be caused due to being dehydrated. So, to avoid the nasty headaches, drink more water!
Flush out your waste
To function properly, our body needs water because it helps flush out all the toxic through our urine and sweat. If you don’t flush all that stuff out, it will create endless problems. Combine your bottle of H2O with some fiber and you can even cure constipation.
Shed some unwanted pounds
Yeap, you better believe that. Drinking water can actually promote weight loss because it helps delay feeling hungry. So, here’s a trick you should try, if you feel like snacking, reach for a bottle of water instead of a bag of chips. Of course, water is always a better choice instead of soda when you’re thirsty.
Get glowing
Our skin is the largest organ in our body and drinking your water can really help the skin glow. After drinking a lot more water than you usually do, you will notice the improvement in your skin’s texture and look.