Let’s face the harsh truth, we all size guys up. From their looks and careers, to their personalities and goals. The list goes on, really but one important thing that women are unaware of is the fact that if a guy has been surrounded by women his whole life, he would probably make a very good partner to have.

When figuring out whether a guy is worth the future efforts to be made, you often leave out his family ties. Surprisingly, it’s one important factor that you should definitely look into and consider. I’m sure you have caught yourself saying, “He is totally gorgeous, but do you think he is long-term relationship material?” but not once have you thought, “I wonder what his family is like and if he is close to them.”
Personally, I feel that it is always good to date someone who has a close and healthy relationship with his family, and especially so when they have a sister or a few. Here are the reasons why:
1) He will protect you
You’ve heard stories of guys being protective of their sisters whenever a poacher tries to hit on them at the clubs on a night out. Having experience in dealing with jerks, this kind of guy will protect you and will always stand up for you, should anyone disrespect you or try to harm you.
2) He understands what you feel
I think that it takes experience for a guy to truly decode what a woman’s behaviour may say about what she is feeling. Dating a guy who has been surrounded by women his whole life might make your relationship with him a lot easier. He understands that you have emotions and he is equipped to deal with those emotions too.
3) His sisters’ relationships will teach him a thing or two
Being a brother, he can only watch as an outsider when his sister or sisters are having relationships. He can also learn from heartbreaks they might have gone through. This helps build a man that has empathy and a man that will treat you with an unflinching amount of respect and love. Basically, he will know not to treat his own partner like s**t.
4) He will respect you
Growing up with sisters can actually help a boy turn into a man. He will understand from being scolded as a kid for bullying his sisters that you should always respect women. Respect everyone, of course. But respect the woman that is your partner. He realizes your every worth and won’t waste a day without showing you so.
5) He understands you
Not just you, but women in general. Let’s put it out there that, us women, we are not the easiest of creatures. We say one thing and mean another. If he’s had the experience of growing up with sisters, then chances are, he will understand you better than any other guy could, which ultimately leads to you comfortably being yourself and not having to be pretentious.
6) If ever he needs advice
He can go to his sisters and they will probably give them the kind of advice you would want him to get. No one in this world understands women better than women, so you can trust in his sisters to lead him in the right direction.
7) He will be a wonderful father
I’m not saying that men who grew up without sisters won’t make great fathers, but men who did grow up surrounded by women will understand the need to protect, care and fight for their children, just as they did with their sisters. And there isn’t a better partner you can ever ask for.