You’re going to really like this!
A new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine just unveiled which parts of your body are the most sensitive to different kinds of touch.
30 women were recruited and their sensitivity of three areas on their bodies were accessed – the primary genital zone (clitoris, labia minora, vaginal margin and anal margin), secondary sexual zone (lateral breast area, areola, neck and nipple), and neutral zone (forearm and abdomen) using devices to simulate three types of senses (light touch, pressure and vibration).
Well, this isn’t surprising but all the different spots were more sensitive to different kinds of touch.
When it comes to a light touch, the neck, forearm and vaginal margin were the most sensitive spots. When pressure was applied to all parts of the body, the clitoris and nipple were the most sensitive. The clitoris and nipple were also the most sensitive when it came to vibrations.
Here’s where it gets interesting: Overall, the secondary sexual zone was more sensitive to vibrations than any other region.
According to this study, pressure feels great on more than just your clitoris, so have your partner stimulate anywhere else on your body if it feels good to you.
Of course, the sample size of this study was a little small, so feel free to experiment on your own body.
You can now get even more creative with foreplay and sex. Go crazy!