Surely nobody’s going to deny that partying is fun. Whether you’re heading to a club, music festival, house party or a concert, there is really nothing wrong with wanting to have a good time. Fun aside, your safety and well-being should be of utmost importance and you should learn how to stay in control while having the time of your life. Just follow these 10 ways and you’re good to go!
1. Eat proper food before heading out – A few hours before you head to a party, grab something substantial to eat so that your tummy will be filled before any drinks. A full stomach slows down the absorption of alcohol and that way, you wouldn’t get intoxicated or drunk that easily. The only food they usually serve at parties are chips and pizza anyway, so eat something proper.
2. Go with trusted friends – Always head to a party with a group of friends you’ve known for a while and whom you trust will keep you safe and not do you any harm. We’re saying this because you should be able to depend on them in case of emergencies. For example, if you go missing during a party, these people are the ones who’re going to look for you and make sure you’re okay. They should also be concerned enough not to abandon you or leave you behind if they ditch the place.

3. Drink wisely – This should come as no surprise. If you can, pour yourself your own drinks and never leave your drinks unattended. If you have to engage in something else, make sure to watch over your drinks and keep them close to you. Don’t give someone else the opportunity to spike your drinks with anything funny.
4. Always have water around – When you’re drinking, you should always have a supply of water close to you to keep yourself hydrated and water down the alcohol in your system. This should balance out the alcohol levels in your body and keep you in control. Drinking water would also help flush out the alcohol quicker.
5. Don’t wander – If you’re at a party with a group of friends and tons of other people you’re unfamiliar with, stick with the group at all times and don’t wander around aimlessly. Other people at the party may take the opportunity to jump at you with drinks, persuade you to do stupid things or force feed you with illegal substances. Also, always head to the washroom with a friend!
6. No illegal substances – You really don’t need to take any illegal substances to have an enjoyable night. As a responsible adult, you should be aware of all the risks and dangers of these substances, and you can never be too safe whenever you’re at parties. If you’re being offered pills and other questionable substances, decline sternly and do not submit into peer pressure.
7. Go with your instincts – If you feel something amiss or you’re placed in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, speak up and take action. Don’t just sit there because you’re accountable for your own safety and well-being. Additionally, always keep your mobile phone close so that you can call a friend or family member just in case. Alternatively, if you sense that things are about to go sour, just get out of there and go home!

8. Don’t trust strangers – No matter how convincing they may be, never ever trust people you’ve just met. They could possibly be up to no good and this might put you in danger. We’re not saying that they all have bad intentions, but you can never really be too careful. If they are making you an offer you’re unsure about, just decline.
9. Get your transport sorted out – Agree on a designated driver and make sure he or she keeps to their word about staying responsible. If all of you are drinking, book a cab service to get you guys home after the party. All this planning should be done before you start drinking so that you wouldn’t be left clueless about how you’re heading back after all those drinks.
10. Always have a backup plan – Whenever you know you’re in for a long and crazy night out, plan ahead just in case anything unexpected happens. For instance, if you’ve lost each other at a party, where do you meet and what time would that be? If your designated driver ends up getting drunk, what do you do? Always take extra precautions and have a plan B.