The modelling industry can be a harsh and cruel world where only the skinny and hot prevail, but one new modelling agency in the UK is trying to reform that.
The founders of Anti-Agency, Lucy Greene and Pandora Lennard said the business of beauty has always been highlighting good looks, with no emphasis on character.
As founders, they’ve built up a client pool of over 100 models that were each hand-picked without any height or weight requirements and no previous experience, but rather based solely on personality.
In a recent interview, the pair explained what this means to them:
“Anti-Agency describes itself as a home ‘for people who could’ve been models and decided not to, for people who are too cool to be models — with real lives on the verge of exploding in music, fashion, art, illustration & other creative industries.’
“Its models are more than ‘just pretty faces,’ and are actually discovered — via ‘hours of Facebook stalking and girl crushes,’ Lennard laughs — and signed to the agency based on their ‘individual style.’”
The model selection process is unlike anything else in the business. In fact, their models don’t have to be carrying around portfolios. Instead, they want these models to go out there and sell it themselves.
“We don’t have requirements for size or height. That’s the big one, although the agency’s roster as a whole tends to be on the thinner side, with a pair of large breasts or curvy hips here and there. But we also don’t do portfolios or ‘books.’ For us, models should get booked based on their personality, not based on a load of pictures of them dressed up in different ways.”
Could this revolutionise the fashion industry forever? Well, considering that their models are still freakin’ hot, maybe not.
Check out some of the models below!
Josh Q