Pleasure is now just a push-button away!

A machine that can deliver an orgasm at the push of a button has been patented in America. The graft is designed to help women whose lives have been damned with an inability to achieve orgasms naturally.
A psychosexual therapist and consultant with Relate – a relationship counselling service, Julia Cole said that orgasmic dysfunction is not a rare thing among women. Jim Pfaus, who studies the neurobiology of sexual behaviour at Concordia University in Montreal says that many things can cause orgasmic dysfunction.
“Some women confuse what’s called sympathetic arousal, like increased heart rate, clammy hands, nerves and so on, with fear,” Jim explains. “That makes them want to get out of the situation.” Psychotherapy is a common treatment for the condition, although if anxiety is a factor, patients may also be prescribed valium. “But valium can actually delay orgasm,” he explains.
Patients are required to remain conscious during the operation in order to help the surgeon find the best position for the electrodes. Stuart Meloy, a surgeon at Piedmont Anaesthesia and Pain Consultants in Winston-Salem, North Carolina made the discovery one day when he hit the wrong spot. “I was placing the electrodes and suddenly the woman started exclaiming emphatically,” he said. “I asked her what was up and she said, ‘You’re going to have to teach my husband to do that’.”
Stuart is hoping for clinical trials to start later this year with Medtronic, a company based in Minneapolis. The surgeon said that the stimulating wires could connect to a signal generator smaller than a cigarette packet that is implanted under the skin of one of the patient’s buttocks. “Then you’d have a hand-held remote control to trigger it,” he said. “But it’s as invasive as a pacemaker, so this is only for extreme cases.”
He believes that the device can help couples overcome issues that are caused by orgasmic dysfunction. “If you’ve got a couple who’ve been together for a while and it’s just not happening any more, maybe they’ll get through it a bit easier with this,” said Stuart.
He quickly adds that the device will be programmed to limit its use. “But whether it’s once a day, four times a week – who am I to say?”
Jim exudes his confidence in women using this machine with his statement, “would women subject themselves to such invasive surgery? If young women of 15 or so are having painful operations to enlarge their breasts when they don’t have to, are you kidding? Of course it’ll be used.”
Stuart agreed that some women would try it if they felt the problem was bad enough. “I feel about this the way I feel about Viagra,” he said. “It may help some people, but they should also address the underlying reasons for the problem.”
Stuart has not tested the device on men, but says there’s no reason it shouldn’t work in the same way.