Who doesn’t love to party? Whether it’s a night out in the club, or just hanging back in a pub with your closest friends, you’re bound to go a little overboard and find yourself in a painful hangover. If you’re suffering from last night’s new year’s party, here are some tips that can help you eliminate that hangover when or before you wake up.
1. Prevention
The one solution nobody ever wants to abide in order to keep a hangover from happening, but prevention really is better than cure. As an adult, you should know how to drink responsibly and steer clear of any sort of peer pressure. You could choose to think twice about that extra shot of vodka, or you can constantly having something to eat like chips or some cheese. Drink smart and you won’t have to worry about spending your day moaning in pain tirelessly.
2. Drink plenty of water

Alcohol makes your body eliminate more fluids out, causing dehydration. Headaches, dizziness are one of the many symptoms of dehydration, and this makes you vulnerable to hangovers. Have a glass of water when you’re drinking alcohol, or when you’re home, just drink as much water as you can.
3. Sleep and rest
Sleep is the best thing to help you get rid of that hangover. If you can afford to, give yourself a good 8-hours of sleep to recover from all the madness of the night before.
4. Don’t hold back the vomit

Unless you’re able to find a safe and sound place to puke, by all means – let it flow! Throwing up helps you get rid of the alcohol in your system, so although you may feel a little less drunk after, it’ll also keep you from having a nasty hangover in the morning. If you can’t seem to do, just start drinking oodles of water.
5. Have an isotonic beverage
As we’ve mentioned, hangovers are more likely to happen if you’re dehydrated. Instead of coffee, have an isotonic drink that’s rich in electrolytes to recover what’s lost in your body. It’ll also retain the liquids you have in your body. It really doesn’t hurt to have a bottle of Gatorade or 100 Plus in your fridge.
6. Get some vitamins
Aspirins may be the first thing you reach for when a hangover strikes, but vitamins are better and it appears that it works for some people. Whether it’s a multi-vitamin tablet or a glass of fresh orange juice, some vitamins can easily help rid of the hangover you have.
7. Try some asparagus

Asparagus may sound like the least appealing vegetable you’d want to have when you’re hungover, but it is said that amino acids and minerals are great in helping clear the alcohol through urination. Perhaps have a serving of steamed asparagus for lunch!
8. Go have brunch with your friends

The last thing you’d want is to get out of bed with a hangover. But some breakfast or brunch can help you deal with that upset stomach. If you’re craving pizza, cake, and pasta, just go for it! Food helps the liver metabolize while boosting your sugar levels. Even though you’re feeling too tired to eat, it’ll still quietly aid your hangover. If you’re at it, get some asparagus on the side too!
9. Exercise
If you have to choose between a cozy bed and walking on a treadmill, choose the treadmill if you want banish the hangover. Instead of going for a jog, stick to light cardio, a brisk walk or some yoga. Sweating it out helps you get rid of that alcohol through perspiration, and it’ll help you bid farewell to that hangover with some good feeling too. Just remember to drink water every few minutes to rehydrate.
10. Have some caffeine

If you’re hungover and seem to have a whole day of work ahead, stick to your classic poison – caffeine. Strong green tea or a cup of fresh brewed coffee is believed to help you get rid of that hangover. However, caffeine can cause dehydration at times, so it may or may not work. Just have a few glasses of water to replenish the fluids back in your body.