It’s true – dating isn’t easy. Sometimes it can be really hard to the point where you don’t even know what you’re doing wrong. If you’re feeling clueless about the dating scene, here are the most common bad habits that could potentially ruin your chances of happiness with the guy you’re seeing now.
Faux Pas #1: Sticking to one “type” of guy
Yes, blue-eyed boys are extremely cute but that doesn’t mean they’re the only one for you. While it helps to have that sense of attraction towards a man, you don’t have to limit yourself to a certain type of guy because they’re supposedly “better”. After all, Mr Right doesn’t always come in the package you expect, so keep an open mind.
Faux Pas #2: Waiting for him to make the first move
If you’re eyeing the cutie at the bar, don’t wait for him to smile and say hello because “it’s his job”. The times have changed a lot and men are finding women who approach them to be more attractive because they’re go-getters. Approach him with a smile and start with a casual, light-hearted conversation. If he’s interested in you, he’ll probably ask you to have to seat, or even give his seat up for you!
Faux Pas #3: Living in the past
It can be hard to let go of tough relationships, but sometimes, they leave you so broken, you find it hard to move on without constantly having flashbacks about what happened. These insecurities can be dangerous to your new relationship, but you can easily turn that into room for improvement by confiding in your new boyfriend. Tell him what the problems were and what should be done to help you cope with these new relationship. For all you know, doing this will only make your relationship stronger.
Faux Pas #4: Texting under the influence
Whether it’s a few beers at a barbecue, or a full-fledged party with the girls, sending the guy you’re crushing on a message about how you’re “free tonight” can really wreck the progress the two of you have been making. If you have friends nearby, tell your friends to stop you!
Faux Pas #5: Worrying that he’s not up to your friends’ standards
Unless you have a record for dating the worst guys in history, you don’t have to constantly worry about what your friends think about your new man. If you’re happy, whatever they think should be irrelevant. However, if they dislike for reasons like he treats you badly, it’s time to reassess your match!
Faux Pas #6: “Settling” on what you find
Are you seeing a guy even when you don’t like him just because you’re afraid of going out alone every week?If you’re not into him, don’t waste your time and his when you can use that time to meet someone who you really like. After all, it’s not a nice thing to string a guy along to benefit your selfish needs.
Faux Pas #7: Dwelling on his flaws
So, he has a slight unibrow, or slobbers a little too much when eats. No one’s perfect, so try to focus on his positive traits rather than his flaws. Unless he’s just gross and doesn’t even take care of his hygiene.
Faux Pas #8: Expecting him to pay all the time
The times have changed and a lot of women are now hurrying to foot the bill. Whether it’s a sign of independence, or just a case of showing off their wealth, a lot of men and women feel that the woman should at least pay for her own when going out. If the gentleman insists, go for it. But it doesn’t hurt to treat him once in a while too. Give and take!