Women, no matter what age group, often hate the fact that they’re single. Before you mope about and watch a string of sad movies alone in bed with a tub of ice cream, remember that the being single could be one of the most enjoyable times in your life if you know how to embrace it. If you’re not convinced, here are more reasons why it’s great to be single.
1. You Can Do Whatever You Want
Being a singleton gives you the opportunity to explore everything you want. Whether it’s hobbies or adventures, you can do it without compromising someone else’s needs or desires. Indulge in your guilty pleasures and just be yourself!
2. It Lets You Discover Yourself
The biggest reason why we resent being single is that we feel like we have to depend on someone to make us happy. The truth is, happiness lies in being comfortable with yourself, your own skin and your own individuality. Being single gives you the opportunity of personal growth. You’ll discover your likes, dislikes, pet peeves, and what you really want in life. Soon, you’ll be comfortable enough to express yourself when Mr Right comes along, and you can enchant them with your personality. After all, a man loves nothing more than a woman who knows what she wants in life. [How to Date Yourself]
3. You Can Focus on Your Career
Whether you’re still in university or a working woman, being single lets you put all your energy and dedication toward getting that degree or that promotion you’ve been wanting. There’ll be some low times, but all those late nights will pay off in the long run.
4. You Can Spend More Time With Your Friends
Singletons spend more time with their friends than those in committed relationships. If you and one of your closest friends seem to have distanced yourselves from each other for the past few months, now’s the time to start reconnecting. Girlfriends are forever! [More Friendship Tips]
5. There’s No Jealousy or Insecurity that You Have to Deal With
Jealousy and insecurities can really take a toll on the human psyche, especially when you’re in a relationship. Although it can be healthy, too much of it can really mess up your confidence and self-esteem. Being single cuts you off from all that negativity and it’ll give you the opportunity to focus on the most important person – you.

6. You’ll Save More Money
When you’re in a relationship or even dating for that matter, you’re going to end up paying for someone else. And even if you can’t really afford it, you’ll still feel compelled to fork some money out for dinner dates, birthdays, fuel, etc. Being single gives you all the financial independence you need, and you can spend your money the way you want. [How to Have Fun on a Budget]
7. You Can Be Emotionally Independent
Sometimes, we get a little unlucky that we end up in a relationship with someone who isn’t very empathic. That can be truly frustrating because we want someone to understand why we’re feeling annoyed, frustrated, etc. Being single gives you the freedom to decide how to manage your feelings, recuperate and move on, without any conflict. Doesn’t that sound great?
Although it all seems like a very selfish life to live, being selfish for the all the right reasons might actually benefit any future relationships you have with Mr Right, or even your friends and family for that matter. Once you learn to be comfortable with who you are, you can say you’ve already unlocked the key to long-term happiness.
8. You Don’t Have to Worry About Your Flaws
Being single means never really having to worry about your flaws, and you can be your very own concept of perfection. Relationships often involve conflicts about who hasn’t done enough for each other or who forgot whose birthday.
9. You Can Date Whomever You Want
Planning to play a little field? Well, if you’re single, why not just do it? Feel free to go on dates with as many guys as you feel like. After all, it’s only a date! Just be honest and remind each of them that you’re not looking for anything serious at the moment.
10. No Time Constraints – You Don’t Have to Report Back to Anyone
Wanna spend time with your male friends? Well, now you can, without having an insecure boyfriend breathe down your neck just because he can’t handle the fact that you have platonic friendships with other guys. Wanna get drunk and party all night? Go ahead! There’s no one controlling your time, no one who constantly bombards you with text messages anymore. Just remember to not drink and drive!
How do you embrace your single life?