Dear Lipstiq,
My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year now. Although we’re very happy where we are, I can’t help but remind myself that he used to be a playboy before we started going out. Perhaps I’m just being insecure, but are there any signs of an unfaithful boyfriend that I should keep in mind?
– Elizabeth
It’s normal for women to feel insecure about their male partners being unfaithful. Apart from his past as a playboy, are there any red flags that tell you he could be cheating on you? If you’re simply feeling insecure, perhaps you should work on your trust issues and tell him how you feel. Communicating with your boyfriend about some of your anxieties could help both of you resolve these issues.
However, if you do indeed feel that there’s a likely chance he’s being unfaithful to you, here are five common tell-tale signs that your boyfriend is cheating on you:
He doesn’t spend much time with you
If he hardly ever contacts you to plan a day out or constantly bails on your plans, he may be trying to avoid you in order to spend time with someone else.
He’s very insensitive
Does he cancel on you without considering your feelings? If he does, he could be thinking about another girl.
His appearance has changed a lot
Has he been improving or changing his looks lately? Does he shave more often, looks well-groomed when he’s supposed to be studying or working overtime? This is one of the many tell-tale signs that he’s impressing a side piece.
He seems more distant
Before, the two of you were inseparable. But now, you can hardly even get him to hold your hand or even confide in you about a personal problem. This is usually a red flag, but before you accuse him of cheating, ask him if there’s anything bothering him.
His body language has changed
Body language is a great way to tell how a man feels about you. If he hardly makes eye contact with you during a conversation, he could be doing it out of guilt. If he generally lets you fiddle with his phone, see how he reacts when you use it without him expecting you to. If he starts to look anxious, he may be hiding something in there.
Despite these red flags, it’s still important to talk to your boyfriend about his feelings for you. Instead of accusing him of cheating or loving you less, ask him if there are any ways to get him to spend more time with you or make your time together more special. Good luck, Elizabeth!
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