Belly fat is a nuisance. Your clothes don’t button up right, it makes it hard to put on your jeans and you always to resort to SPANX if you want to wear a body-hugging dress. We’re so desperate to lose our belly fat that we’re willing to pay for slimming treatments (that probably don’t even work) and fat-melting supplements. Some of us go to the extent of starving ourselves.
Thankfully, belly fat is metabolically active and easier to lose! Here are some simple and effective workouts to combat your belly fat!
1. The Hoola Hoop
Function: Tones your abs and waistline, hips and butt.
Direction: Stand up straight with one leg forward and place the hoop around your waist. Move your hips around make sure the hoop spins in one direction.
Routine: 10-15 minutes
Scale Pose (
2. Scale Pose
Function: Strengthens abs, arm and pelvic floor.
Direction: Sit in a cross-legged position with hands on a mat next to your hips. Contract and tighten your pelvic floor, push into your hands and lift your entire lower body off the mat. Hold for 3 breaths then lower back down. If you can’t lift your whole body half, lift your butt and keep your feet on the floor.
Routine: 3 to 5 repetitions
Body-weight Squat (
3. Body-weight Squat
Function: Stretches your thighs and tones your abs.
Direction: Stand and spread both legs parallel to your hips, slightly bend your knees and place both hands over your chest. Squat and press your weight into your feet. Make sure your feet are pointing straight ahead and your knees are over your toes. Return to standing posture.
Routine: 5 sets of 5 repetitions
Crunch Beat (
4. Crunch Beat
Function: Targets your abs and legs.
Direction: Lie face up on mat with knees bent 90 degrees, legs lifted and calves parallel to floor. Place your hands behind head with elbows out, crunch them up and leaving your shoulders off the mat. Extend your legs up, cross your ankles and extend arms overhead.
Routine: Hold this position and switch your feet over and under each other for 8 times with 8 repetitions.
Bridge Opposite Arm-leg Reach (
5. Bridge Opposite Arm-leg Reach
Function: Removes excess fat around your waistline
Direction: Lie face up with your left knee bent, left foot flat on the floor and right leg extended towards the ceiling. Reach towards the ceiling with your left arm and keep your right arm down by your side. Do not move your hips or shoulders. Move your raised leg to the right and raise your arm to the left. Concentrate on your abs and bring your arm and leg back to the center.
Routine: 10-12 repetitions. Switch sides and repeat.
6. Plié Pose
Function: Targets your back, bottom, arms, abs and legs.
Direction: Stand up straight with legs more than shoulder-width apart, turn your feet out to 45 degrees. Squat and keep knees above ankles as you bring both hands below the waist in front of you. Raise your arms and bend the elbows slightly. Push up and straighten your left leg. Lift your right foot and rest the base on your inner left thigh, then sweep arms overhead.
Routine: 15 repetitions. Switch legs and repeat.
Donkey Kickbacks (
7. Kickbacks
Function: Burns excess calories and fat in your thighs and abs.
Directions: Kneel on all fours. Draw your belly in towards your spine as you contract your abs and lift both knees about 2 inches off the ground. Keep abs engaged and bring the right knees to nose level. Than kick your right leg straight behind you and squeezing your butt at the same time. Keep lower abs contracted and hips facing the ground to protect your back.
Routine: Repeat 8 sets. Switch legs and repeat.
8. Swan Dive
Function: Burning cellulite and fat.
Direction: Lie on your tummy and stretch your arms overhead,pointing your toes back. Lift your arms and legs about 6 inches off the ground. Hold the position for 1 to 2 counts. Then, bring your arms to your side. Exhale and stretch your arms towards toes with palms facing in. Hold or 1-2 counts and then bring your arms back to starting position and relax your body to ground.
Routine: 6-8 repetitions.
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