This story will warm your heart deep in its inner core. A pedigree Thai dog named Pui found a white plastic bag at the roadside garbage dump in Ayutthaya and carried it home to it’s owner, barking for attention.
The dog’s owner Sudarat, 12, was shocked to find a four-pound newborn baby with its umbilical cord still attached. It was clearly very weak and she ran to get her mum, Pummarat, and her father, Kummerd. The parents rushed the baby to Tha Rua hospital.
The baby was given oxygen and other treatment and is now in a stable condition. She weighed 2.2kg, hospital officials said. They believed she was born prematurely, at around seven-and-a-half months. She was later transferred to Phranakhon Sri Ayutthaya hospital. District chief Withit Pinnikorn has asked village and tambon chiefs to find the baby’s mother.
Meanwhile, Pui has received a brand-new leather collar and a medal from the district Red Cross chapter as a token of appreciation. The Miracle of Life Foundation also gave Pui’s owner a reward for his doggy heroics, and we hope the pup’s receives an overdose of affection at home.
Nice job, Pui! Now let us rub your belly!