If only love was available off a shelf that only required microwaving, wouldn’t that make life so much easier? Think about it – you wouldn’t have to worry if he was going to call you, or what shade of lipstick would look perfect with your dress, or how long you need to wait until it’s appropriate to ‘do it’.
Japanese photographer, Haruhiko Kawaguchi spends his time photographing couples he meets in nightclubs. Instead of taking pictures of them in cliched poses, he arranges them like pieces of meat inside bags meant to store futons and blankets. He seals their bodies inside the bag, then using an old vacuum cleaner that sucks out all the air.
If you’re worried about the people suffocating, don’t worry – they’re only in there for 10 to 20 seconds. This art project is called Flesh Love. Kawaguchi has photographer over 80 couples, and he says that the men panicked more often than the women. He says that a few have struggled for air while in the bag, and one man even wet himself. The ladies, well all they cared about was looking good.
Kawaguchi, who likes to be called Hal, says love is the source of everything. A man who accumulates wealth does it out of love for his wife, or for expensive cars. People go to war out of love for power, or out of love for their country or their own life.
Hal feels proud to be able to capture the hottest, greatest moment of love, especially as the lovers are welded together in plastic wrap. Hal assured there have been no major incidents, and that he always has an oxygen spray nearby.
So, would you be willing to immortalize your love by holding your breath in a vacuum-tight plastic bag for 10 to 20 seconds?

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Source: Oddity Central