Eyebrows are something that always seem to get neglected. Sometimes we just draw over our god-given shapes – but what happens when our eyebrows are a little too ‘messy’ to deal with? Well, here are a couple of ways to get your eyebrows back into shape. Different people have different preference, so here they are:

1.) Eyebrow Waxing
When it comes to eyebrow waxing, it is just like the ordinary waxing through out the body. A layer of wax is applied over the parts of the area of hair that you want to remove, then a cloth or a paper strip is put over the wax and then comes to fast movement of tearing it off. It pulls out the hair from the follicles If you’ve never done this before, we would suggest that you see a professional for this. We don’t want to you send up loosing half your eyebrow in the process. Eyebrow Waxing ranges from RM20 onwards, depending on where you go.
2.) Shaving
This is a method that a lot of Asians like to you. There is a special razor used to shave eyebrows. It quick and easy, but it only removes the top layer of your hair, so since it’s not from the root – you hair may grow back a lot fast.

3.) Threading
Threading is an accicent method for hair removal. What they do is, they use a thin cotton thread to roll over unwanted hairs and instantly it removes. This method may be painful, but when it done by a proffesional, then it is quick and painless. The great thing about threading is that it removes hair in a straight manner – meaning your eyebrows will look clean cut and flawless. Also, threading in a shop would usually cost you RM5-RM12 only! Pretty afforadable if you ask us!

4.) Plucking
Now, plucking is probably the most traditional and simple way of shaping your eyebrows. It can all be done at home. But plucking takes a lot of time and patience, and also, a lot of resistance. If your okay with going through pulling out the hairs one by one, then go for it. Plucking pulls out the hairs from the root as well.
There you have it, four different ways to get your eyebrows back in the perfect condition – have you ever tried any of these methods? If you have, tell us about your experience. We’d love to hear from you!