It’s fair to say that everyone despises having acne. Regardless of how carefully you have structured your skincare routine, pimples on your face are unavoidable. Nobody can avoid getting breakouts that appear out of nowhere. However, did you know that you can determine the cause of your pimples based on where they appear?
Apparently, research has revealed that the location of your pimple is very telling. And after you’ve identified the cause, you may be able to prevent future breakouts!
We’re probably all too familiar with our own features by now, from brow to chin. Breakouts may occur on any part of our faces, and there are several reasons for this. It might be as complicated as hormones, or as simple as using the wrong skincare product. Ahead is a list of areas where pimples often appear – and the significance of this, in terms of how you can determine the cause.
If you feel painful, tiny bumps on your temples, near your hairline, then those are pimples. Pimples on your hairline can only be caused from applying hair products that contain pore-clogging components. So, if I were you, I’d get rid of those products ASAP.
Pimples on your forehead might indicate a variety of causes, but they are often associated with stress and an unhealthy lifestyle, such as a poor diet and lack of sleep. To avoid breakouts around your brow, a decent and balanced diet, as well as a good night’s sleep, would be a good place to start.
I’m sure you’ve had the experience of doing your brows and suddenly, feel a stabbing pain when your brow pencil goes over a little bump. It’s unpleasant – and the leading cause of eyebrow pimples is excessive alcohol or processed meals. So, slow down on the Mekdi!
A pimple on your nose can only signify one thing: you don’t properly cleanse your face. Dirt, grime, debris, and oil clog your pores, resulting in the dreaded, painful pimple.
Pimples on your cheeks are usually caused by unclean pillows or cell phones. Which is why you should change your bedding at least twice a month to avoid pimples on your cheeks. Sanitizing your mobile phone is also required to remove the filth and grime that has built up on your gadget.
The chin region might be challenging, because pimples can only occur there owing to hormonal imbalance. And, of course, hormonal imbalances are inescapable. Excess hormones can cause breakouts under your chin during periods and pregnancy, and there is no way to avoid them. You might simply need to load up on acne cream.
Another reason pimples may grow in the area, particularly around the jawline, is polycystic ovarian syndrome. It’s a condition in which women release more ‘male’ hormones, resulting in a lot of acne around the jawline. To avoid this, you should consult your local gynaecologist.
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