Girlies, I’m about to expose all of our secrets, so ya’ll have to forgive a bish here. I think it’s time we let the boys know the sh*t we do to survive. Hello there fellas, if you think us girls are always elegant, clean, we smell like flowers and we don’t fart, then Imma burst your bubble. Because it’s bullshit – we don’t smell like flowers sometimes and YES, girls fart!
Anyways, the point here is – I’ve heard boys do pretty disgusting things. Like, not washing their underwear for days and stuff – I don’t know, it’s what I’ve heard. Guess what, hun – we girls are pretty disgusting and weird too. So, here are some of the unusual things girls do but will NEVER admit to – well, girls, you might HAVE to after reading this.
1. Not Washing That One Bra

That one perfect, awesome, boob-hugging, comfortable and divine bra is too precious to go in the wash often. So, we girls have a tendency to reuse bras for up to 2 – 3 days in a row. Especially when there are big events, back to back, and that bra is the perfect undergarment for that outfit. Now, don’t be grossed out, because we don’t reuse bras that are drenched in sweat. We’re not that disgusting. Girls only reuse bras that are clean – or at least clean to us – because, why not? It’s too much energy washing a bra.
You say diamonds are a girl’s best friend. I say a bra is a girl’s bestie. And we all have that favourite bra we can’t let go of.
2. Wearing The Same Outfit For 2 Days In A Row

Just like bras, outfits, too, are often reused. Girls – how many of you have worn an outfit on one day to another event or casual meet-up the following day – because you will not be meeting the same person?
We all have a favourite, gorgeous outfit – and sometimes, when we have outings 2 days in a row and we damn well know we’re not meeting the same people, our brave-a$$ will whip out the same outfit for both those occasions. And, guess what? We never get caught!
3. Pretending To Text

To avoid public humiliation, which us girls can’t seem to stand, when taking selfies, we pretend like we’re texting someone. And, to make it more believable, some of us pretend like we are on a video call.
If you see a girl, randomly smiling at her phone as if she is talking to someone, don’t be fooled – that bish might be on her 10th selfie by then.
4. Pluck Out Hair From Unwanted Places

All my long-haired ladies, if ya know, ya know! Naturally, girls shed hair, and some of us shed like a freaking Siberian husky. So, it isn’t weird for us to find strands of our hair getting stuck in the most “how the hell, did you get in there?” kind of places.
For instance, when we’re in the shower, doing our regular hair wash routine, we sometimes have to pluck out fallen strands of our hair, from our butt. Don’t even ask how they get there. We don’t know. But hair does fall off and get stuck in between our butt crack in the shower – and pulling it out is bliss.
5. Peeing In The Shower

Oh come on now – all girls do this. When we’re in the shower and we have an urge to pee, we do the easiest and most convenient thing – pee in the shower instead of in the toilet. Why do we do it? No one knows, we just do.
6. Lying About Periods To Get Out Of Situations

If you ask a girl out on the weekend and she says she’s on her period – I don’t think so. You see, most girls get irritated when their period comes, but we do use it as an advantage to not go out with someone or to cancel important plans.
Now, girls can also use the period excuse even when they’re NOT on their period. Cause how would you know? You can’t check, can you? For instance, back in school, I remember having a ruthless teacher who would not allow anyone to use the washroom during his class, so yo bish here would pull out the period excuse and earn myself a trip to the washroom so I could spend a few minutes not listening to his boring lectures. The best part is, I’d do this every week and he didn’t even catch on.
Similarly, girls use the same method to get out of other situations in desperate times.
7. Shaving Only A Certain Part

If you think us girls spend hours in the bathroom shaving, well yes – but that’s not always the case. When we wear certain outfits, we only tend to shave places that reveal skin.
So, if a girl wears ripped jeans, she will most probably only shave the ripped part that shows her skin. The rest of her leg is still hairy. So convenient – and nobody will ever find out… until now that is.
8. The Teddy Bear

Not sure if you know this, but sex toys aren’t the only accessible pleasure items around us. Girls are capable of making anything a pleasure item. Like, the teddy bear that she treasures so much, and she gets mad at you for touching it. Yeah, that teddy bear ain’t just a stuffed toy, that teddy bear has been to places you might never even get to.
And, no matter how many times you ask her, she ain’t ever gonna admit it.
9. Masturbating Even When In A Relationship

Some say you should be ashamed of this, and others question what’s wrong with doing it. Well, the truth is, as easy as it is to turn her on, it’s also hard to please her to the fullest – unless you’re some sort Sex God. So, girls do tend to masturbate even when they are in a happy and sexually satisfied relationship. It’s just how we please ourselves sometimes. And nobody does it better than us.
10. Shower Head

When a girl takes a long shower and the only thing you hear is the sound of gushing water – yup, you guessed it – the bish is having a moment inside the shower. The shower head is actually a useful pleasure item for girls. Usually, a regular shower head allows you to adjust the water pressure, and the picture above is how it’s all done.
The pressure from the shower head, as seen above, can be used to stimulate a girl for arousal. Okay, that’s it – that’s all the sh*t I’m telling you.
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