Ever heard of vaginal steaming? Yes, you read that right. Now, all of a sudden, vaginal massage doesn’t sound so crazy anymore. Celebs like Gwyneth Paltrow and Chrissy Teigen have applauded this method of vaginal rejuvenation and they swear by it. But we know better than to blindly follow celebs’ recommendations.
If you’re still confused about what vaginal steaming is and whether or not you should try it, keep reading, gurl.
What Is Vaginal Steaming?

Not sure about you, but when I first read about it, it creeped the sh*t outta me. Like, ain’t nobody gonna set my vajayjay on fire! Well, this treatment isn’t going to technically burn your vagina. It’s sort of like a vagina facial, but with the power of steaming.
Vaginal steaming is an age-old practice that is said to cleanse your vagina and uterus. It eases period cramps and is an overall good “ritual” for your yoni. It requires you to sit or squat over a pot of hot, steaming water that is infused with various herbs. Some of the herbs include oregano, basil, wormwood and chamomile. Sounds like ingredients you would put in a pasta dish – maybe they might make your vajayjay taste like pasta. Eww! Anyways, once you’ve sat over the pot, a blanket is often wrapped around your lower body – this is done to not let the steam escape, so your vajayjay gets the full benefits. But is it really beneficial?
Vaginal steam detoxing is believed to have originated from an ancient Greek treatment called fumigation. But why did the ancient Greeks want to steam their vaginas? This is why: they believed that the uterus wandered around the body looking for moisture, and so fumigation was carried out to “keep it in place”. Because, according to their beliefs, a “travelling, thirsty” vajayjay, is the cause of infertility.
I mean, if your vajayjay is thirstayy, it clearly needs something else (if you know what I mean).
Why Do People Steam Their Vaginas?

There is also an age-old belief that vaginal steaming is good for the overall health of the female reproductive system. How so? Well, it is believed to balance the hormones, detoxify the womb, offer faster recovery after childbirth, aid fertility, improve digestion, help with depression and fatigue, and so much more. One session may take about 20 minutes and even last up to an hour.
Sounds awesome right? Is it true though? Well, sorry to break it to you (I’m not really sorry) – according to most doctors out there, vaginal steaming isn’t scientifically proven in any way whatsoever to be beneficial for the vajayjay. As a matter of fact, it may do more harm than good.
Why You Should Never Do Vaginal Steaming

It is true that your vagina goes through a lot – from periods, to sex, pregnancies and childbirth. But, it DOES NOT need a special spa treatment to revitalise it. Your vagina has all the power in the world to undergo all these changes and yet remain as healthy as ever. Of course, this may not be the case for everyone, because every vagina is distinctively different. When there are complications, doctors provide medical needs for your vajayjay.
Vaginal steaming has the potential to be dangerous for your vajayjay and here’s how:
1. Could Sustain Burns

The skin of the vagina is super sensitive and very delicate. It doesn’t take much to accidentally burn your vajayjay. All the hot steam trapped in a sealed blanket attacking the skin of your vagina can cause it to sustain burns. And that, ladies, sounds terribly painful.
2. Mess Up Your PH Level
The vagina has a certain PH level to maintain, and if your PH level is well-balanced, it allows your vajayjay to function well and clean itself – eliminating any strong and pungent vaginal odour. Now, the PH level of your vagina can be messed up if you’re not drinking enough water or go without proper cleansing.
The PH level of our dear friend down there can also be effed up by external factors – like vaginal steaming. The hot steam, infused with herbs and whatnot, that is forced up your vagina can severely disturb the PH levels, resulting in an unhealthy vajayjay.
3. Risk Of Infections

Anything that has to do with your private area needs to be done hygienically. Although places that offer such treatments do keep their items sterilised and clean, one can never be too sure.
I like to come up with possible scenarios, just to scare myself and everyone else around me, from undergoing the treatment. So, what if the pot you are sitting over was never cleaned, and occupied by another vagina just hours OR minutes ago. Eww!
Like, do you really wanna? Hey, I’m not insisting, I’m just saying – the possibilities are endless.
5. Harmful For Pregnancies
Contrary to the initial “purpose” of vaginal steaming (to enhance fertility), it is actually dangerous for pregnant woman to get their vagina steamed. The steam, infused with various things, can clog up the vagina to the uterus and actually interrupt the growth of the fetus, which may result in a pre-mature baby.
So, for all the pregnant momma’s out there, please think twice and even consult your gynecologist before walking in for your vagina steaming sesh.
6. Yeast Infection
The vagina has a certain temperature that best suits it – so generally, being in a hotter environment or even colder climate can effect your vagina. Which is why adding hot and moist steam can result in yeast infection. Introducing your vagina to new and scented additives that are added in the steam can increase your risk of getting bacterial infection, such as bacterial vaginosis.
Do You Need Vaginal Steaming?
Absolutely not! Your vagina knows what to do to keep itself healthy and happy. Truth be told, the bish doesn’t need your help in ensuring its health. The only thing you need to do is wash your vajayjay regularly with warm water, avoid applying any fragrances, and drink plenty of water.
Also, if you’re about to get your p*$$y eaten, maybe tell your partner to rinse their mouth with mouthwash, eh? The things people eat these days!
More on vaginal health? Read these: