First off, let me start by saying, vaginal odour is normal. If you’re vagina does have a mild and musky odour to it, do not worry because that is completely fine. And the smell does change with your hormonal state, like during pregnancy, menstruation and menopause. A subtle smell is no concern at all, but stronger and fishier odours may not be normal and you may want to see a doctor.
Now that that’s out of the way, let’s focus more on the topic here. Vagina’s have self-cleansing properties, though they don’t typically smell like rose baths and citrus perfumes. However, there are foods that you can eat to improve the odour and health of your lady parts. Oh! Before that, lemme tell you, you are what you eat honey! Vaginas can actually smell pretty much like what you consume on a daily basis. So if you worry about your vaginal odour, then pay more attention to what you eat. Here are some foods that can make your lady garden smell…. and even taste yummy! Eat these foods, make your vajayjay smell right and your man will never be able to get enough of you! WAIT! If you think consuming these are going to make Miss V smell like a fruit garden, then NO. That is not possible and do not read this with that expectation. These foods will only improve the overall smell and health of your vagina and that’s what we all want, ladies.

I know you heard this one before and yes, pineapples are believed to sweeten the smell of vaginal secretions. Pineapple is rich in Vitamins C and B as well as fibre. According to a study, eating large amounts of pineapple, be they fresh, juiced or canned, not only makes your vajayjay smell good but also tastes yummy. Although it isn’t scientifically proven (unfortunately), it is said that any fruit you eat can make Miss V smell sweeter – but pineapples have a greater effect. As mentioned before this, anything you eat can effect the smell of your friend down there, so logically speaking, eating sweeter fruits may help sweeten the smell and taste down there. One piece of advice that I would give: make sure you consume pineapples regularly a few days prior to the “big event”. A side note: eating fruits doesn’t only positively effect the vagina, but also your overall bodily secretions – I don’t know what that means and I don’t wanna find out – but just letting you know.

A fresh juicy watermelon will do the job. Watermelons are rich in Vitamin C and can provide hydration. Watermelons flush out toxins from your system and can clean your vagina by preventing infections and getting rid of that weird fishy smell. It is a delicious fruit that contains probiotics which help eliminate yeast infections as well as help balance out your pH levels, while introducing good bacteria to your vagina. Have some watermelon before you sit on your man’s face girl. Both your man and your vajayjay will be thankful for that smart move.

I know, I know! You’re probably like “Yuck! Yoghurt”. But hear me out a sec here, cause it helps. Dairy products are usually classified as foods that are not good for your vagina’s odour – well, except for yoghurt. Yoghurt contains good bacteria and probiotics that help restore the bacterial balance in your vagina. ONLY plain yoghurt though, NOT flavoured and sugary yoghurts. The flavoured and packed with sugar yoghurts can actually worsen your vaginal odour. So, instead of your daily morning caffeine dose, switch your diet to consuming a plain yoghurt fruit bowl.

Cranberries are loaded with various types of vitamins and minerals, but especially Vitamin C. Now you probably have heard this before, but if you haven’t – drinking cranberry juice actually reduces your chances of getting urinary tract infections. And it does more than that for Miss V, cause it helps defend against vaginal infections. The minerals present in cranberry like manganese, copper, Vitamin A and E, help in balancing the vagina’s pH level. The acidity and antioxidants in this fruit discourages bacterial growth and are super healthy for your friend down there. A cup of 100 grams, unsweetened cranberry has 87% of water in it. That’s some amazing hydration for you and your lady bits. A cranberry a day, keeps the vaginal odour away.

As shocking as it may sound, cinnamon can help your vagina smell good. We have discussed enough about Vitamin C and citrus fruits for your vajayjay, so let’s look at the wonders of cinnamon. Cinnamon is more of an alkaline spice that helps balance acidity down there. Its alkaline properties neutralise the excess acidity that your vagina may have. Another great thing about cinnamon is that it has mild antibiotics that help prevent yeast infections. And, it is a fact that a well balanced vajayjay will not emit any bad odour. How about adding cinnamon to your diet before allowing someone in between your thighs? Try it honey, you’ll love it, he’ll love it and your vajayjay will surely love it.
So there ya go ladies. Foods you can include in your diet that can make you smell and taste good. Although, you shouldn’t really stress about it. Your vagina knows what to do and how to be, you just need to be careful with certain foods you eat especially before going on a date. We don’t wanna scare anybody off with that stench, do we now? All jokes aside, make yourself a coochie-cleansing cocktail with these fruits and enjoy!
For more on vaginal health, read these: