Finding a partner – and not just any partner, but the RIGHT partner – is, in my opinion, the most difficult aspect of life. They’re so difficult to find for some strange reason – so much so that we might as well just wind up being single and alone for the rest of our lives (don’t tempt us with a good time, though).
Plus, I’m sure some of us would rather be alone than date a “Nice Guy” – and no, I’m not talking about guys who are genuinely respectful and polite to women. I’m talking about “nice guys” who put up an act and proclaim to appreciate and respect women, despite doing or saying sexist things inadvertently or purposefully.

Yup, those guys.
The problem with “nice guys” is that you won’t realise how bad they are until it’s too late. That’s why we’re here to guide you in identifying the telltale signs of a “nice guy” – so you can dip TF out, pronto.
They Can’t Handle Rejection
Someone who thinks of himself as a “good guy” would have a full-fledged meltdown if a woman rejected him. Regardless of how politely you decline, they will manipulate the story to make it appear as though you rejected the “good guy” and never gave them a chance, thus guilt-tripping you.
That is, if you meet a “nice guy” who won’t become upset or angry when you reject him because there are larger sharks in the sea who would literally insult you and say offensive things if you reject them – which is a HUGE indicator that you should flee.

Always Saying They Are Nice
When people are nice, they don’t take the time out of their day to remind everyone that they are nice – but it doesn’t stop the “nice guys” from doing it, that’s for sure. If you often catch them praising themselves for showing even basic empathy – literally the barest minimum of civilised behaviour – run. It’s human decency to not be vile to other people, but to “nice guys”, that’s a lot.
It appears that being pleasant to others requires effort for them. Plus, there are always underlying motivations with “nice guys” when they’re being nice, especially when it comes to women.

Seeking Compliments All The Time
We’re all guilty of a little self-deprecation. For some of us, it’s a source of humour, but for “nice guys,” it’s a bait that they cast at women to fish for compliments. They always say something disparaging about themselves in the hope that the woman they’re speaking with would feel sorry for them and compliment them.
It’s a deceptive approach used by “nice guys” to make women believe they’re undesirable, despite the fact that they profess to be “respectful” and “well-mannered” to women. It’s giving “pick me, choose me, love me” – and that’s a sign that you should skedaddle ASAP.

Bio: “Nice Guys Finish Last”
If they EVER utter the phrase “nice guys finish last” – don’t walk, run. It’s the ultimate red flag that you’re talking to a “nice guy”. If they’re as nice as they imply, why is it so hard for them to find a partner? Because women always go for the “bad guys” as they want you to believe? Completely and absolutely false.
You see, this type of man believes that they are absolutely entitled to women’s adoration and interest merely because they are kind to them, yet they dismiss everything else that makes a man attractive. They rely on their so called “kindness” in hopes that the women will swoon – but not anymore. So don’t be fooled by the phrase – it’s just another form of manipulation.
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