First things first… Is there really a G-spot? Because the “spot” doesn’t appear to be a single organ, but a collection of nerves and tissue that engorges or changes sensation when aroused. And it isn’t felt by all women. When the area is stimulated, some women experience great pleasure, while others experience nada.

So how do we find out where our spot is, and what the perfect trick is to stimulate it for ultimate pleasure? Female genitals can be compared to the Amazon forest: So many nerves and hair hiding our mysterious garden of Eden!
Here are some truths about this mysterious spot that you defo should know:
Do all women have a G-Spot in em?
In general, yes. However, the intensity of clitoral orgasm in the area varies greatly from woman to woman and can even change within the same woman depending on arousal timing, time of day, time of the month, and stage of life. You could also try a G-spot stimulator sex toy to see if you can find it on your own in a comfortable way.

Where is its exact location?
When the lady is lying on her back, the G-spot is on the roof of her vagina at approximately 12 o’clock. It ranges around 2.5 to 3 inches in the vagina, exactly behind the urethra. The woman’s angle for self-exploration is almost backward, therefore the position makes it extremely challenging for her to locate the spot using her own fingers.

Will intercourse stimulate the G-spot?
Yes, and some positions put the penis into deeper touch with the G-spot. First, you lie on your back with your legs curled up and your pelvis tilted. Second, kneel at a 45-degree angle and dry hump your vajayjay on a bolster or cushion to feel where you get tingling pleasure. Your G-spot is the responsive point. Either posture is indeed more likely to result in a vaginal orgasm.

During sex or intense foreplay, you may feel a pleasant sensation that leads you to the correct location. Or you might have a sudden urge to urinate, which means you’re in the correct place. You’ll need a lot more overall excitement before your body interprets this touch as sexually enjoyable.
Happy exploring Dora the Explorer!