Many of us are unaware of this amazing yet indispensable herb, which has amazing medical and health benefits. This remarkable herb, believe it or not, has several health benefits. The herb is very beneficial to ladies.
Fever Nut has been used to treat PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), irregular periods, helps with ovulation and keeps the uterus phenomenally healthy. This nut could also help in menopause and prevent several types of cancer in women.
Many would have been slammed with the disastrous news that if you have problems with irregular periods or PCOS you are expected to face a phantom of infertility issues. Yes, that’s, quite a bit understandable cause admittedly, you must ovulate in order to become pregnant.

It’s typical to believe that getting your period means you’re ovulating normally. Surprisingly, though, this isn’t always the case. A woman’s reproductive system should ovulate every month in the optimal way for a woman to conceive.
When a woman is anovulatory, she is unable to conceive since there is no egg to fertilise. Ovulation irregularity reduces a woman’s chances of conceiving since she ovulates less frequently. Late ovulation produces lower-quality eggs, which might make fertilisation more challenging.
So here is where fever nut comes to the rescue. Fever nut can be found on a small bush in a thorn filled pot.

Benefits of Fever Nut
Fever nut has long been known as a uterine stimulant, and it’s now widely used to treat a variety of issues that women confront, such as painful periods and irregular periods, by cleansing the uterus and promoting improved ovulation.
Fever nut lowers oestrogen levels, which are frequently high in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome or fertility issues. It accomplishes this by preventing oestrogen secretion.
Fever nuts should be avoided entirely during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
And little did you know that this wonderful miraculous herb could also evidently aid in weight loss, particularly in PCOS patients, by lowering oestrogen levels. However, since this fever nut is incredibly bitter, there is a certain manner to consume it.
How To Consume Fever Nut
- Break the fever nut seeds with a hammer to reveal a white kernel within to make the powder.
- Collect the kernels and dry them in the sun until crisp, then grind with black pepper in a 1: 3 ratio and store.
- For easy consumption, it’s better to make them into little round balls.
- To prepare the balls, combine the ground fever nut powder and pepper with honey and roll them into tiny little balls. Each day, take one ball. Also if you’re consuming other medications, it’s better to check with your doctor first.