Tantric sex; an ancient yoga post that is believed to prompt long hours of pleasure and relieve a better relationship with your companion. Well, how true could that be? It is very much true folks!
Studies have proved that tantric sex is able to enhance a women’s libido to reaching the PERFECT CLIMAX! Ooooooo… now that might have surely raised some brows… Sex in general, obviously, has always been the anatomy of a prodigy!
Most ancient sculptures have various sex positions to educate future generations on the significance of each position. Sex has been anciently greeted as a form of yoga that connects two souls together. Tantric sex ancient philosophy threaded through Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism.
Now, shall we take a dive in to see how this wonderful tantric yoga, unleashes our inner sensuality better ladies?
Tantra programs are very much common now, sprouting up in spas, yoga centers, and private homes all over the world, and the practice is gaining a lot of young adherents.
Tantra, which means “interwoven” in Sanskrit, is a traditional philosophy that runs through Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism.
Although many people equate it with the acrobatic roles depicted in the Kama Sutra, it is actually intended for unbridled sexuality.

Tantric precepts were established as a guide to spiritual enlightenment to aid in the bonding of couples.
The intent of Tantric is to develop better physical and spiritual awareness among couples.
So how do we actually do it?
You sit facing your partner, or either on them folding your legs around looking right through their eyes. Hold them tight completely dressed and feel the connection and energy that is bound to form.

Then as you feel a connection forming urging you to move closer, you go deeper in concentration, listening to what your body desires moving as it pleases.
Through tantric sex, you would get very much in touch with your body mentally, enlightening yourself on how your body urges for pleasure and what gives it the desired pleasure that is needed.

The energies formed circulate across the entire body during tantric sex and can notably bolster your orgasm to a whole new level!
Couples practicing tantra together could ideally have intercourse for hours through synchronised breathing and simulation of energy being transferred back and forth, with both partners experiencing frequent climaxes!
For women, tantric practice helps loosen your tensed muscles, unfolding yourself better in front of your partner.
The essentiality of this method is by holding onto each other, supporting one another while having synchronised breathing whilst looking into each other’s eye forming a deep connection between y’all.
Both partners would feel utterly attuned to one another if the intervention is able to succeed.
But ladies, do take note that to have it succeed you will need to have a deep level of patience, concentration, and trust with your partner! Truly, just put your mind to ease and centralise your thoughts on your better half.

We females are always very prone to have ourselves losing confidence in our body when we gain a few pounds, or as stretch marks start making a presence. Many are skeptical of sexual intercourse merely cause of how a women’s vulva loses its contradiction, once they have just delivered.
Plus a majority of women tend to go low on sexual hormones when they touch the menopausal phase reaching their forties!

Oftentimes, avoiding any sexual activities with their companion due to the massive changes that occurs in and out of their bodies. Sadly, many fail to understand that a relationship is not supposed to conceal how your body folds.
I understand during the beginning stages, trying to create the form of concentration nor connection can be a tad bit tedious. However, this is a great method to reconcile and mend any broken relationships, as a ladder to boost our inner self-confidence better.

Most basic tantric sex roles do not even involve direct genital contact, which is a fun reality.
Even though genital contact is permissible, the emphasis in tantra is often on forming an emotional bond between the partners, rather than a penis and vaginal connection.
Tantra is a philosophical tradition that encourages people to accept pleasure in all aspects of life.

Sure, experiencing hot sex is a pleasurable experience, but that isn’t the only thing out there needed in a relationship!
Tantric sex is all about accepting each other’s flaws and embracing every part of the change as something new, admiring every curve and mark we tend to be gifted with as we age.
So come on ladies, flaunt it and work it to the best with your loved one! Sprinkles of sudden intimate fun and excitement are what rocks a relationship on a safe boat.
Nevertheless highlighting, sex is the key to bind a healthy relationship with your partner, showering the champagne of geez and jazz that adds spice to your life… So get on the tantric boat y’all! Bon Voyage…