Being healthy encompasses so much more than just exercising consistently. It also comprises the foods you consume, your mental wellbeing and constant self-care. Hence, we’ve sussed out 10 YouTube channels we love for everything food, fitness and health:

1. Chloe Ting – This Australian-based fashion and fitness blogger doesn’t just offer full at-home workouts, she also often shares insightful tips and tricks as to how she stays lean, and exactly what she eats to keep it that way.

2. Joanna Soh – Yes, this lovely lady is Malaysian and she attests that it is possible to eat healthy in Malaysia whereby unhealthy foods are abundant. Every video she puts out is super informational and practical!

3. Maddie Lymburner – If you have been under the impression that vegan food isn’t as satisfying or fulfilling as non-vegan food, this lanky Canadian will prove you wrong with her delicious and easy recipes that are foolproof.

4. Fit Men Cook – Mmhmm, the name depicts exactly what the channel is about – hot men and healthy food. In addition to recipes you can create on a shoestring budget, he also offers tips on how you can save money while grocery shopping.

5. The Domestic Geek – No stranger to the health and fitness industry, Sara Lynn boasts over 1 million subscribers and it’s easy to see why – her mouth-watering and healthy recipes are great, fuss-free and absolutely appetising from the get-go.

6. Fitness Blender – Whether you’re a beginner or an expert in fitness, this couple – Daniel and Kelli – will get you moving with their full at-home workouts, and most of them don’t even require any equipment, so you have no excuses!

7. Blogilates – This fitness queen needs no introduction! On top of her tips and tricks for healthy eating and working out, Cassey Ho also has workouts based on several celebrities’ actual routines so you too can achieve that body.

8. Carly Rowena – It takes little to no time to fall in love with this fitness blogger’s bubbly personality and aesthetics, so evidently we’re in love with her videos too! There are gym workouts, CrossFit routines, healthy recipes and more.

9. Sarah’s Day – Sharing her passion for health, holistic living, beauty and fitness, this holistic health expert really has it all on her channel. We especially love her healthy eating tips and recipes though.

10. hot for food – Even if you aren’t fully vegan, you’re going to adore this channel for its creative, healthy recipes that are anything but bland and boring. The way the videos are presented also help make cooking extra enjoyable!