As if student loans, rent and bills don’t already make a huge dent in our bank accounts every month, paying to work out and keep yourself healthy is another burden on its own. Those memberships at the gym and fancy fitness centres can quickly add up and more often than not, they cost hundreds. Skipping on sweating out entirely is clearly not an option, so what’s a girl to do? Well, here are five ways you can work out for FREE in and around the Klang Valley!

1. Download apps – Interactive, engaging and fun, the fitness apps nowadays go as far as to time each exercise within the specific workout with rest intervals included. There are also options for every fitness level and most of them have workouts that do not require equipment. That’s not all – These apps are made to be dummy-proof. There is literally no need for you to memorise jargons because there will be a trainer (in the tutorials) working out alongside you for reference.
We love: Nike Training Club (Android/iOS)
2. YouTube videos – There are literally tens of thousands of fitness channels out there on YouTube just waiting for you to peruse, and just like the apps, these tutorials are effortless to follow. Some, too, require minimal to no equipment whatsoever. As opposed to the apps, we find that following YouTube tutorials feels just a little more personal and somewhat stimulating, especially when that YouTuber is someone you actually adore.. or idolise.
We love: Kayla Itsines, Chloe Ting, Joanna Soh
3. Community classes – Most people aren’t aware, but there are a ton of free community classes happening most weekends at various venues. The downside is that these classes work on a first come first serve basis without any registration required, so you almost always have to get there early to book yourself a spot. They usually refuse additional attendees once all spots are filled due to the lack of space. Also, most require you to bring your own mat.
We love: APW Bangsar, Lululemon
4. First-timer passes – Uh huh, that’s right! In order to attract new members to sign up for long-term memberships, a plethora of fitness centres in and around the Klang Valley offer one free class for first timers with no terms and conditions whatsoever. You can only go once, but hey, it’s better than not having been there to experience it at all. If you don’t call up to find out, you’ll never know and will miss out so claim all the free first-timer classes you can.
We love: Urban Spring, District 13

5. Special events – There are two sorts we’re discussing here. The first being small-group events on Facebook organised by fitness enthusiasts. Aside having companions to work out, you can also network and make new friends. The second sort would be fitness expos and fitness festivals that usually offer free classes. Granted, these events don’t happen every week, but when that golden opportunity comes along, it’s going to be good. Always look through Facebook event pages!
We love: Murfest