It’s a known fact that many women are insecure about their boobs, and we’re not just talking about those who are less than well endowed here. Even busty women that are overly blessed in the upper chest region often times face first world problems of their own. Nobody wins, really..
With that said, bigger is in fact better with this restaurant in China that is offering discounts to women according to their bra size, ranging from A to G cup, clearly sparking outrage. According to the Trendy Shrimp restaurant’s posters, women with A-cup breasts are entitled to a 5% discount, whereas women with G-cup breasts can get 65% off.

Wow, way to go in making everyone feel equal.. The poster shows a lineup of women in different bust sizes with a slogan reading, “The whole city is looking for BREASTS”. It listed discounts for women depending on their cup size, with greater offers available to women with bigger busts.”
Many netizens and the Chinese have complained about the “vulgar advertising” that were “discriminatory towards women”, but the strategy seems to have been working as the restaurant’s general manager has attested that the number of customers have risen by 20% since the promotion began.

He also added that “some of the girls we met were very proud – they had nothing to hide.” The posters have been taken down as of now, but come on.. you’ve got to allude them for their superficiality and ‘creativity’..