Breakups are always messy, especially if you were so set on him being The One. Days after bawling your eyes out and going through months like a living zombie, you’re finally able to gather courage and push away all thoughts about him, when suddenly, he calls to say hi.
Question is, what does he want? Before you reply with something you’ll regret, stay cautious and remember the reasons as to why men would contact you months after a split.

1. Sex is on his mind
Harsh, but true. He’s not getting any and when a man is desperate for his fix, he becomes sexually frustrated. It’s like a comfort thing–you’re just one call away and he knows you’ll put out. The new girls he’s getting it on with probably don’t do the little ‘tricks’ you’re used to doing with him. Hence, the booty call.

2. New beau
Seeing an ex with a new love interest will get his blood boiling. Heck–it works vice versa too. A guy will not blatantly show it, but deep down he’d really feel like taking down your new man because it suddenly hit him that he’s losing you for real. Finally happy again, you look hotter than ever now that he can’t have you.

3. You’re doing well without him
Perhaps, his life sucks while you seem to be doing the daily grind happily–he’ll start to realise what an a**hole he was and regret his decision for letting such an amazing person go. Guys who get bored of their SOs because they think they can do better are a big NO.

4. His family
Parental pressure. His mom or dad keeps reminding him what an idiot he was for letting you go. You’ve been together for years now and you’ve known each other’s families pretty well. It’s pretty obvious his parents really favour you and see you as the perfect candidate for his son.. but is that what he wants?

5. Ego boost
He’s bored and needed someone to talk to. He knows you’re always available for him anyway and what’s a better pick-me-up than calling his doormat? It feels good to listen to you even though he doesn’t really care for you anymore, because it’s good enough that someone actually takes the time to talk to him, rather than feeling lonely at 2AM.

6. It didn’t work out with that girl
The random girl from WeChat he’s been dating suddenly decided to split and your phone starts to ring again. This happens way too often than it should. A guy usually comes crawling back to you after he gave someone else a try (probably the girl he cheated on you with) and it didn’t work out. You’re his security blanket.

7. Love is still in the air
You’re his one and only wifey and dating other people just doesn’t make sense. He genuinely misses you and moving on is not even in the agenda as he promises to change–not only for you, but for his own good too.
As we all know, men have major issues with their egos–sometimes, women too. A breakup sometimes come after a heated argument or lack of communication. Think thoroughly and identify what actually went wrong in the relationship. If he’s willing to change, you should be too.

It depends on what led to the breakup in the first place, really. Did he cheat on you? Or dumped you because he’s bored of you? Maybe even gave a really dubious reason for the split? If yes, then you know what to do. Don’t settle for those who wouldn’t treat you well.
Always distinguish between being foolish and being patient. We usually go by this principle–three strikes and you’re out. 🌸