For SK-II’s recent #DreamAgain campaign, children partnered with local personalities and celebrities like Yuna, Awal Ashaari and Aaron Aziz, Jinnyboy, actress Soo Wincci and also national SEA Games gold medallist gymnast Farah Ann Abdul Hadi, to inspire Malaysians to “Dream Big” on social media.
A recent survey by SK-II revealed that half the world’s female population had given up on their dreams, and are dissatisfied with their lives. SK-II then brought in some counsellors, who turned out to be children, to speak to these women about rekindling their passion and goals in life.

This sparked the inspiration behind SK-II’s “Dream Again | SK-II #changedestiny” film – a social experiment featuring children who are still full of dreams, to inspire adults to continue dreaming. It ultimately challenges the belief that destiny is determined at birth and it empowers women to overcome personal and societal limitations to change their destiny.
You may find out about the #DreamAgain movement by SK-II in its entirety here.