Loyal, supportive, smart and funny are just some of the qualities that the men on our list posses, well, their TV characters at least. We all have that one, two, three or even ten TV boyfriends that we wish were an actual person that we could meet, get to know and fall in love with forever. And then ride off into the sunset and makes lots of babies with them.
These cuties will make you swoon on any day at any time and are definitely worth to be on our list of top 8 TV boyfriends.

The Sensitive Bad Boy
TV Boyfriend: Jax Teller (Sons of Anarchy)
Why we love him: Played by the blue-eyed British actor Charlie Hunnam, Jackson “Jax” Teller is the bad-boy that you so badly want to love and marry. He might not be the cookie-cutter type and definitely not the kind you’d bring home to meet your dad but you can’t help but fall in love with him. Jax Teller not only brought Harley Davidson bikes back in style but he also proved that bad boys can also be super sensitive. After all, he is all about the fairytale, baby!

The Popular Jock
TV Boyfriend: Nathan Scott (One Tree Hill)
Why we love him: Okay, he was a super jerk in the beginning but not only did he get less jerky but he also showed us that love can come from the most unexpected places. I’m pretty sure Hailey didn’t think she would end up with Nathan and go on to have kids with him. But these two defied stereotypes and Nathan showed that people can change, and that true love does exist if you’re willing to fight for it.

The Hot Nerd
TV Boyfriend: Seth Cohen (The O.C.)
Why we love him: He was funny, smart, loyal and incredibly cute. Everything about Seth Cohen’s personality was so lovable, especially his wisecracking jokes. He showed the world that grand gestures (like declaring his love for Summer in front of the whole school) will sometimes get you the girl of your dreams. He also created a sexy cartoon character called Little Miss Vixen based on the love of his life. Now is that cute or what?

The Dream Boyfriend, Husband, Everything
TV Boyfriend: Marshall Erikson (How I Met Your Mother)
Why we love him: Marshall “Marshmallow” Erikson had you wishing that your future husband would turn out to be exactly like him: loyal, smart, funny, adorable, understand, someone who communicates well, and did we say funny? There is literally nothing about Marshall that you didn’t love. The guy just didn’t have flaws at all, not even loving you too much. That’s definitely not a flaw. One can only hope that such a character exists in real life.

The Sensitive Rebel
TV Boyfriend: Patrick Verona (10 Things I Hate About You)
Why we love him: This list would not be complete without the late Heath Ledger and his character Patrick Verona in the classic remake of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew. You’ve got to love a man that takes good care of you once you’ve had one too many drink. He’s also fun and thoughtful but really, he had us all when he sang to Kat!

The Super-Nice Family Man
TV Boyfriend: Phil Dunphy (Modern Family)
Why we love him: What’s not to love about the family man, Phil Dunphy. He’s a loyal husband, well-meaning father and all-around amazing guy. He tries to make everyone him happy and his dad jokes are simply loveable. Watching Phil Dunphy on Modern Family makes us all wish that we had a boyfriend, husband and father who dishes out awesome puns.

The Sweetest Guy
TV Boyfriend: Harry Goldenblatt (Sex & the City)
Why we love him: He pursued Charlotte until she realised that he was meant to be for her. He was definitely one of our favourite guys from Sex & the City and how could he not be? He was kind, supportive, smart and most importantly, he had a good heart. This is the real-life kind of man that we all wish we could end up with. He didn’t even care that Charlotte was reproductively challenged! All he cared about was her and it didn’t matter how they had kids, as long as they have them together.