Deadpool fans, listen up! Ryan Reynolds has just confirmed that they are already working on the script for the second Deadpool movie.
The first and long-anticipated Deadpool opened last week, just a few days before Valentine’s Day and has already made box office records. The Merc with a Mouth, as Deadpool is fondly referred to, did a decent job entertaining fans worldwide with his wise-cracking and quick-witted repartees. The fans were left wanting more, and that definitely calls for a sequel!
“We are on a script, we are well into a script,” Reynolds told Empire’s podcast. It seems like Fox is also eager to get another Deadpool movie out there, which is not surprising at all, given the ongoing success of the first movie. Not only did the movie make $300 million worldwide on the opening weekend, it also scored the biggest R-rated opening weekend of all time.
Ryan Reynolds also explained a few changes made in the first Deadpool movie. Trying to decide which X-Men to include in the movie and which ones not to was one of the tough decisions they had to make. At the initial stages, Hugh Jackman and the Taskmaster were supposed to be in the film, but that didn’t work out. The studio kept saying “Too expensive, too expensive, too expensive” to everyone. So finally we were like well, what about the Negasonic Teenage Warhead?”
Well, we’re just glad that after 11 years of waiting and pressuring Fox, it finally happened!
Ryan Reynolds publicly thanked his fans on his Facebook page, overwhelmed by the support. “It’s because of you, we got to make the real Deadpool. The right way.” the actor posted.
Deadpool is currently playing in cinemas nationwide.