We already use technology for everything and now, there’s even an app to log all your orgasms and kinky sexcapades too.
That’s right. A new app called Spreadsheets lets you track your activity in the bedroom, and over 12,000 people have already downloaded it.

Like most of the other self-monitoring apps, Spreadsheets keeps a record of your performance in bed. For the app to evaluate, you can select your mattress type, then place your phone on the bed and press start. The app records the duration of sex, the number of thrusts and even the decibel of your moaning.
If you like an incentive to spice up your sex life, you can even unlock achievement badges for crossing off new sexual activities, like getting it on in the morning or keeping it going for 40 minutes or longer.
There’s also another app called Sexulator that graphs how often you’re getting it on, and SexTrack, which measures how much you rock the bed to estimate how many calories you’ve burned.
Well, a sex tracker could either motivate you to keep things hot or it could be a mood killer if your partner thinks it’s a distraction. If things are way too hot, your phone could also be flying off across the room. Just saying…
Would you use a sex app or would you rather go unplugged? Let us know!