Yes, we enjoy viewing beautiful pictures and give “like’s” while scrolling our Facebook feeds. But, a research from the UK suggests that people who post numerous pictures on Facebook might have trouble enjoying a relationship in real life. What?!
Researchers from three British Universities – the University of Birmingham, University West of England and the University of Edinburgh have concluded that people who frequently post photos to Facebook can’t control how their “friends” perceive the posts.
As for the result, people who over-share photos on Facebook risk damaging real-life relationships. This is because people, other than very close friends and relatives, can’t seem to relate well to those who constantly share photos of themselves, causing the intimacy and closeness in their relationship to decreased.
However, partners who share more photos of their family are positively related to support, whereas partners sharing more photos of friends are more likely to relate intimacy negatively.
Meanwhile, the study also found that large advertising campaigns that encourage fans to post photos with their products on Facebook were also negatively impacted.
So, should we cut the habit down?