Have you ever felt like you can take on the world after a sweaty work-out after the gym? Or that sudden feeling that led you to believe that anything is possible? Believe or not, exercise has the tendency to do that. Physical confidence can bring out the best in you, and healthy physical-confidence comes from exercise. Exercises does more for us than just keeping us fit, so here’s a rationale on how exercises can make you a confident woman!
Willpower and Resilience
Not everyone is born with the muscle-mass and strength of a body-builder, but when you’re focused on achieving your goals, exercise will help you get there. Exercise will show you that anything is possible as long you keep making the effort to succeed. With each session at the gym, your body grows stronger, and that becomes apparent to you. So, with each push-up that you do, or every weight that you lift, you will begin to feel like you can do anything!
It Makes You Smarter
We’re not saying that a 30-minute walk on the treadmill will instantly program all the theorems of physics in your mind, but exercises actually helps feed your brain oxygen and nutrients to improve cognitive functioning. Ever notice how you feel after a work-out? Sure, you might feel exhausted, but you will notice that you’re more alert and energized. So, if you have an important exam coming up, or even a date with an intelligent guy that you’d really like to impress with your knowledge, get a good 30-minute workout and then start reading to enrich your mind with more information about the world! (Source)
Exercises Releases Stress
Any form of exercise has been know to help release any physical tension in your body. Whether it’s an hour of tennis, yoga or running around with your pets, exercise helps with the release of endorphins in your brain. Endorphins are the body’s natural feel good chemicals that leaves you in a general state of wellbeing. As it is also a natural way to relieve anxiety, you will feel calm and able to concentrate on the things you need to accomplish. How does this make you confident? Well, when you know you don’t have a reason to feel stressed out anymore, you start to feel more in control of yourself, and that becomes your guide to success. (Source)
Positive Vibes
When you combine all three reasons why exercises makes you confident, it adds-up to make you an attractive person, and not just to men. When you are relaxed and easy-going, it makes you more approachable to other people, which will definitely make you more sociable and likable. With positive vibes and a smile, that should instantly make you an attractive person.