Mothers! They are the backbone of the family, the light of the house, and the first teachers in our lives. Today, we are showing our appreciation towards mothers by… ranking the top 10 Disney MILFs. YES, you heard that right! We have compiled a list of Disney moms that are both great mothers (well, not ALL of them) and hot mommas that deserve more recognition! Here are the top 10 Disney MILFs!
Eudora, The Princess And The Frog
The kind and loving Eudora is the mom that everyone deserves. Not only did she single-handedly raise Tiana after her husband, James, died during the war, but she has always been supportive of Tiana’s dream of opening her own restaurant! Plus, we can’t deny that she has GREAT taste, since she’s the one that made all of Charlotte’s dresses. It’s no surprise how Tiana turned out to be after being raised by this hard-working woman and absolute MILF!
Helen Parr/Elastigirl, The Incredibles
You know this was coming, right? Elastigirl is undeniably THE perfect woman. She’s got powers, she’s got a sweet-ass job, and who can forget about those curves that can be stretched to the gods? Aside from being a mom of three children with superpowers, she still manages to save the world! And, let’s be honest, out of all the superheroes in The Incredibles, she is the most skillful with her powers.
Mother Gothel, Tangled
I know what you’re thinking, ‘But Mother Gothel is the villain!’. I know, but you can’t deny that she STOLE the show and is one of the most iconic mothers in Disney. While she was definitely NOT a great mother, she was a very stylish woman. I mean, she literally stole a baby and gaslit her for 18 years so that she could keep her youthful looks!
Jill Anderson, Inside Out
Despite the whole movie being told from the perspective of Riley’s mind, we could feel the compassion and care that Riley’s mom has for her. She empathised with Riley throughout the movie and was very observant of her teenage daughter’s emotions. What can I say? Emotional intelligence is sexy.
Julieta Madrigal, Encanto
We need to take a moment to appreciate the fact that this woman makes food that heals people. Not only does she cook for her ENTIRE family, her food literally makes people feel better! Not to mention the way she cares for all her daughters and how attentive she was to Mirabel when she didn’t get her powers.
Queen Elinor, Brave

Admittedly, Elinor wasn’t the best mother to Merida. She refused to listen to the perspectives of others and was very adamant about wanting Merida to conform to the ‘princess’ stereotype. But what makes her worthy of this list is the fact that she was willing to change and learn from her mistakes. Plus, she still remained elegant when she was cursed into a bear, so she gets some extra points for that.
The Queen, Snow White
Who can forget about the evil queen who started it all? Yes, she was a horrible stepmother to Snow White. But, the woman just wanted to be the hottest bitch of all, and she was willing to turn herself into an old witch to get there. We can’t say that we approve of her parenting style, but we do love seeing a determined woman doing everything in her power to get what she wants.
Kala, Tarzan
Even though she’s not human, she DESERVES to be on this list! She adopted a helpless human child, despite knowing the possibility that he might someday hurt them. She raised him as her own even though her husband and the other gorillas always doubted her. In the end, she loved him so much that she was willing to let him go to be with the other humans, which is why she is hands down one of the most selfless moms in Disney!
Mrs. Davis, Toy Story
Though she doesn’t have much screen time in the Toy Story franchise, we could tell that she was a wonderful mom to Andy. With the absence of a father figure in the movies, it’s pretty clear that she’s a single mom, raising a boy and girl. And judging from Andy’s childhood, we know that she has always been there for her little boy, even during the darkest times.
Sina, Moana
Last, but not least, Moana’s mom certainly deserves some praise. She has been teaching her daughter to love the island and make it her home since a young age, but still understands that Moana might want to go beyond the reef. Moana’s bravery throughout the movie is all thanks to this curvy queen!
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