Many things can make us fat, but now there’s a new addition to that list: charging your smartphone.
Science has already decided that it’s causing cancer and ruining relationships, so it’s not shocking to see the smartphone get blamed for yet another one of our issues.
Researchers at Manchester University have announced that the blue light emitted by phone screens disrupts the body’s production of melatonin during sleep.
Melatonin controls the way our bodies metabolize food while we’re asleep, hence, they have concluded that charging your phone while you sleep may result in unwanted body fat.
Here’s the thing: People don’t sleep with their phone screens on. If a notification appears, the screen only comes on for a few seconds. Also, unless you’re falling asleep with your smartphone on your face, you’re probably going to be okay.
That pizza you ate before bed last night is definitely going to affect your body way more than the light from your smartphone.