After a while, your relationship with your husband may seem like it’s losing its spark. Fall in love again with your man, or have him fall for you as you both learn to ignite that fire that initially brought you both together.
Put Aside The Negativity
If you want your time together to be focused on the good, then put your mind into having a good time with your man. Avoid saying spiteful things or making references to the each other’s faults and mistakes. Rekindling your relationship means reviving the best in each other, and forgiveness. If they’re any his quirks that annoy you, try looking past that and start complimenting the good things about him.
Be Affectionate
Action speaks louder than words, so start showing your partner that you really care with the things that you do. It could stem from the smallest things like wiping a little food off his cheek, to something bigger like planning a romantic night in with his favorite dishes and topping it off with a massage to help him relax!
Compliment Him
Unlike women, men really appreciate and accept the compliments given to them. Everyone has something they’re insecure about, but men are a lot better at hiding it. Use every opportunity you can to let him feel better about himself. Tell him what you love about him and praise him. Don’t over do, but really mean it. It can be from a little help in the kitchen or after a night of intimacy. As soon as he realizes that you notice it, he’ll begin to feel more attached to you.

Go Back In Time
Remember the first date you had together? Or the first time he said “I love you”? Schedule a unique date-night with your man by suggesting that you both go back in time to re-enact your first date together. If his memory of the event is a little fuzzy, don’t get mad. Be a sweetheart and spend some time together trying to remember what happened together. He might eventually remember a couple of things from that date, and you’ll end up feeling closer than ever.
Plan a random night to re-enact your first date. Do it soon on any random day, and not a special occasion like a birthday or anniversary.
Spend Quality Time Together
Staying at home and watching your favorite TV shows certainly counts as spending time together, but consider the amount of time that you’d be engaging, talking and catching up in each other’s company only. Do something special like shopping for lingerie together, try a different type of cuisine together, or learn to indulge in each other’s interests.
Have a success story on how you got your relationship to work again? Share with us on our Forum!