We’re interrupting your newsfeed – which is filled with Despacito videos, Yuna’s love story and Hollywood’s biggest divorce moment – to bring you some important news: there’s a new beauty app that tracks how well your skincare products are working.
For the skincare-obsessed, there’s nothing more rewarding than noticing a change in your skin. However, since you look at yourself every day, subtle changes in your skin’s texture and appearance can be hard to detect, making it even more difficult to determine if your skincare routine is paying off. Fortunately for us, now there’s an app to tell you just that.
YouCam Makeup’s new Skin Diary tool will track the change in your complexion – simply take a photo in the same spot and lighting everyday, and a score will calculate your skin’s health by breaking down spots, wrinkles, texture and dark skin.
The numbers, or scores that you receive represent your skin’s health compared with YouCam’s database of other people’s faces. The higher your score in each of the four categories, the healthier your skin is.
Check your scores and your skin’s progress over the course of a few weeks or months to see, once and for all, if all those pricey products and treatments are really worth it. Download YouCam Makeup at the App Store, or Google Play now.