By now you have probably heard of the fad that has to do a lot with coconut water. Living in a tropical country, the weather gets pretty hot and if you need something other than water to cool you down, then coconut water should be it. Besides being totally affordable, coconut water has a good rep thanks to their healing and medicinal properties.
Coconut water does an even better job at replacing the electrolytes in your body compared to the average sports drink. Plus it’s not jam-packed with a ton of sugar that’s essentially unhealthy for you. Here are some of the many reasons as to why you should switch that soda with coconut water instead:
You can apply it onto your face — If you weren’t aware of this before, now you are. Coconut water that’s applied on to the face can take your skin a long way, especially if you are suffering from acne and blemishes. It has the ability to clear up the impurities that are clogging up your skin and if you drink it enough, coconut water also moisturizes the skin from within. Now you know why facial products or even shampoos and conditioners that contain coconut extract are usually more effective!

It will make that hangover easier to handle — Nothing is quite as bad as hangovers, well there might be some things that are worse but if you could avoid a hangover, you most definitely would. However, sometimes it’s unavoidable because a fun night out will almost always end up in hangovers. If that’s the case then replenish your body with some coconut water the night after. All the urinating and vomiting would have gotten rid of necessary electrolytes, so drinking coconut water can help restore them right back into your body!
Helps with weight loss — We’re not saying drink coconut water to help you shed major pounds but if you’re looking to drop a few kilos, you might want to consider ingesting coconut water. Due to the fact that it’s very low in sugar, coconut water makes it safe to be consumed in generous amounts. Coconut water is also very rich, which means it will help keep you feeling full and suppress that appetite of yours.

Helps strengthen everything — Yeah, coconut water is rich in calcium, which is something you need more of if you want healthy bones and muscles. This delicious drink also helps prevent muscle cramps because of its high potassium content. Those that lack potassium in their body are usually more prone to getting muscle cramps.
Hydrates you — We have all heard it before: sports or energy drinks will hydrate you. Sure, it might but it definitely won’t do as good as job like coconut water would. So, the next time you’re hitting the gym, fill up your water bottle with coconut water instead of some energy drink. It has less sugar and more potassium, chloride and calcium that will hydrate your body.