I don’t know what it is and I’ve witnessed people that will date someone really sh*tty just to avoid being alone. As if that’s a better choice than being single and independent. I’m not sure if it has to do with lack of self-respect or fear of not having someone to rely on but it’s definitely bizarre when a person can tolerate being treated like almost nothing. Falling in love is the most wonderful thing and you should trust the other person to have your best interest in mind at all times. Here’s five of the many signs to assure you that the person you’re dating is genuinely falling in love with you:

He treats you with respect – This may seem like something everybody should know but not a lot of people do when they are out there in the dating world. Far too many people date others that treat them very poorly. If he lifts your spirits and make you feel really good about yourself, and everything else that you want to achieve in life then he’s falling for you. If he doesn’t then you should really get up and get out!
He communicates – I’ve always been lucky in a sense that the person I am dating will always be open to communicate and this helps us understand each other as a couple. I’ve also seen friends who date guys that run for the hills every time they want to communicate, which I find is a very undesirable trait. Not a lot of guys are into emotional things, especially girly emotional things but if he is really into you then he will talk to you about anything as well as listen to what you have to say.

He makes you feel so special – When someone is really into you, they want to show you all the time that they care. It can be with the words that he says to you or the things he’ll do just to make your day better. If the person you are dating takes time to do little gestures that make you feel like you’re the only woman he’s ever going to love then chances will be that you are.
He always wants to know – He asks you questions and always wants to know what went on during your time apart. I don’t mean in the invasive and jealous type of wanting to know but the kind that he cares to ask how your day went so you can vent about how annoying your colleague is.
He wants to be with you no matter where and when – Lots of guys that’s in it to quit it will not do this. They will only want to spend time with you when it’s convenient for them, so you should really spend time with them never. If the person that you’re seeing wants to be with you even when you’re running some boring errand or keep you company at your dentist appointment, then he likes you. A lot.